Wrath Of Khan
Soul soother...
Pchysic wayne!Pchysic wanker more like.LOL. This guy is such a fake its patethic.above is a clip of him being lambasted by a caller.This crap is on tv3 after midnight presumably for people who want to believe any old Shi...e!
The degradation of culture continues! I think its possible for some people to be pchysic but if waynes pchysic then he should have seen the above caller coming a mile off.end of rant.but seriously who wouldn't like to kick wayne in the Ghoulies!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=9nCzPp7PO0Q and more
Pchysic wayne!Pchysic wanker more like.LOL. This guy is such a fake its patethic.above is a clip of him being lambasted by a caller.This crap is on tv3 after midnight presumably for people who want to believe any old Shi...e!
The degradation of culture continues! I think its possible for some people to be pchysic but if waynes pchysic then he should have seen the above caller coming a mile off.end of rant.but seriously who wouldn't like to kick wayne in the Ghoulies!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=9nCzPp7PO0Q and more
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