Any Reason I Shouldn't Buy A Gp2x Now?

Thanks guys - some great advice there and I think I'll go with the general consensus that I should part with my hard-earned.

One of the things that appealed was the idea of just shoving any of my (many) video files on a card without having to re-encode it like you did on the GP32 (I know about the space implications). The other thing which appeals is being able to connect up to a TV and watch the movies on the card.

However, there seem to be pretty mixed reports about whether any conversion is required. Does the machine play WMV, Divx and Xvid without any problems?

All that said, my main reason for buying would be emulation.
I'm waiting too. Device itself looks great, but bricking, low battery life and the bad controller kinda anoy me... Always hope for an updated controller later. :P
it does not play WMA , or WMV ... i have had no problems with divx or mp3 but i wish that it would do wma as a lot of my music is ripped in this.
I'm waiting too. Device itself looks great, but bricking, low battery life and the bad controller kinda anoy me... Always hope for an updated controller later. :P

Battery life isn't that bad and certainly isn't bad compared to say a PSP. I'm getting 3 hours using not greatest 2100mAh, sometimes more. Keep in a mind that gp2x is using generic AA form for its batteries and devices with custom made Lithium-ion batteries will alway outperform NiMH. However at a cost (LithIons have others drawbacks too) and I just bought two sets of AA and I'm satisfied. For a day they are more than enough and I'm recharging them at night.
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Anyone who actually looks at "Sony's" name, avatar etc. and has any sense of Irony (or Goldie) should 'get it', instead of 'biting'... Sony's posts are (at least to me) funny. The fact that people take them (too) seriously, isn't to funny though.


Yeah, I'm sorry Sony. I just get a little angry at all of the people who complain loudly about every little niggle with the 2x like it was their last, and my comedic vision was blocked. :)

I got my 2x today.. he's such a cutie.

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Battery life is OK for GP2X - I don't understand all the complaining. Just carry a spare set of charged AA's with you and there is not a problem.

Yeah it would be nice to use standard alkalines but they just can't cut it - they wouldn't cut it in a PSP, digicam or mobile phone either. However has anyone tried any of the ultra batteries designed for digicam use (e.g. Panasonic Oxyride) - I believe they are much better for high drain stuff than normal alkalines.

If the GP2X is right for your needs, then get one now. The major problems have been sorted and it is a really exciting time to have one. Sure, something better will come along - maybe XGP, maybe a revised GP2X design with a new joypad - but you can keep waiting forever thinking like that.
1- battery life still sucks. 45 minutes on 2 regular alkaline... WAY less than the 8 hour claimed
Well you will be waiting for a long time then. BTW they never claimed 8 hours on alkalines.