Any Quake 2 Mods available on Pandora?


Sep 12, 2011
Hey I'd like to know if there are any mods available for the Quake 2 port? If not, was anyone planning on porting a few over? I know a couple of good ones, but I'm not very savy with programming :/

Here's a few that I think would be a good start:

- Action Quake 2 (along with the bot mod)

- Eraser Bot (Best Deathmatch bot)

- Bang (Grenade Only Weapons Mod)

If no one has any time, is there a tutorial on how to compile as a PND (or to make it readable as a quake 2 mod)

The problem with Quake 2 is, mods are OS specific, meaning if it's a Windows Only mod, copying over the files won't work, like it does in the first and third Quake.,,
Well I found the source code for Action Quake 2, I'm not sure if it needs to be compiled with the quake 2 sources or not as I've never compiled a quake 2 mod before.. 

Generating it into a PND thats another story once it's compiled it could be made into an installer PND as most likely all you will need to do is have a script that will copy the mod files into the proper quake2 appdata directory.. The biggest issue is how to compile it.. I can give it a try in the near future.
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Well I found the source code for Action Quake 2, I'm not sure if it needs to be compiled with the quake 2 sources or not as I've never compiled a quake 2 mod before.. 

Generating it into a PND thats another story once it's compiled it could be made into an installer PND as most likely all you will need to do is have a script that will copy the mod files into the proper quake2 appdata directory.. The biggest issue is how to compile it.. I can give it a try in the near future.
Thanks. Yeah, IDTech made mods difficult to use, for whatever reason. Also, I think compiling it is somewhat difficult, but can be done pretty quickly. I know a guy who compilied a Quake 2 mod for PSP by using the source code for the Windows version, and it only took him a day to do so. Also, the bot mod for Action Quake is available as well with the Source Code.