Any Problems With Mini-sd Cards?


Still Fresh
Nov 1, 2007
I've got a 4Gb mini-SD card and I was wondering if anyone had experienced any problems using these cards on the GP2X F200 with an SD adaptor?

Should I stick to just music and video on it, or can I put ROMS and stuff on it safely?

I would be very surprised if the GP2X wipes the card. Worst comes to worts yo might have to just dump them onto a regular SD card to get them working. But I have not tested this. This is only what I think
I have a mini-sd in an adapter and it works fine!

i sometimes have problems reading it with my card reader, but i think the card reader is a bit dodgy, no problems at all in the gp2x.


I don't know why putting videos and mp3s would be 'safer' than 'roms and stuff' tho?

PS: i have a F100 but F200 should be no different. Anyway, i think a mini-sd is just a normal sd in a smaller bit of plastic...the adapter just makes it bigger!
mrsnature said:
I don't know why putting videos and mp3s would be 'safer' than 'roms and stuff' tho?

Probably because from my point of view I'll have the music and vid's on my Ipod, so if the card goes 'belly-up' for whatever reason I've still got my games on the 'safe' card!

However, I guess becuase video needs constant access to the SD card then maybe video/music content puts more demand on the SD card itself.
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