Any One Working On A Spectrum Emulator ?


Still Fresh
Jan 27, 2009
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i'd love a spectrum emulator on the wiz ,i know there are a few very good ds spectrum emulators and would love to be able to play some of my favourite speccy games on the wiz ,just wondering if there is going to be one in the near future or am i gonna have to keep using my ds for spectrum emulation ,not sure if people outside of europe will know what a spectrum is but it is the greatest gaming machine ever ,peace
Every handheld needs some Jetpac. :P

And yeah, a lot of non-euros know about the Speccy actually. We used to get some British game mags back in the day, and I enjoyed reading about the Spectrum and other systems we didn't have here in the USA. Plus the emulation scene really gave everyone a chance to finally see what everyone else was playing, no matter where you lived.
I was going to start porting ZXSpin and BASin to the Wiz, should it prove to be a viable system. As it is, there's way too many issues with the handheld as it stands to warrant me buying one - GPH have screwed it up again, and I'll likely have to wait for the third iteration before it's a usable piece of kit :(

That said, there's FUSE out there for the GP2X and I'm sure someone will port it. Mind you, Speccy emulation on the GP2X was pretty unusable if you needed to use the keyboard, so I don't know what you'll get in terms of usability.

i think the speccy emu would work fine on touch screen as long as the buttons where configureable like a lot of the ds speccy emulators and you where able to set the type of joystick with the controls ,anyhoo i can only dream ,oh if anyones got a ds hanging around i can fully recomend the zxds emulator it even allows the choice of keyboard from 48k to zx+ and allows you to switch between 128k and 48 ,peace