What, he wants fourty of them expensive British currency thingies?! I could get two Game Kings for that! They are a lot more fun. Damn, I love my Game King! B)
What, he wants fourty of them expensive British currency thingies?! I could get two Game Kings for that! They are a lot more fun. Damn, I love my Game King! B)
Yeah and you wanted to take some pictures of some games for me
40 pounds is a rip off - I paid 4 "of them expensive British currency thingies" for mine and 3pound shipping to germany.
What, he wants fourty of them expensive British currency thingies?! I could get two Game Kings for that! They are a lot more fun. Damn, I love my Game King! B)
those "expensive british currency thingies" are called British Pounds... not to be confused with lbs. which some people in my scinece class have trouble distinguishing from Kg...