Any Decent Flight Sims For Pandora?

Mr devil45

Still Fresh
Dec 15, 2008
are there any good flight sims that pandora can run?
are there any flight sims it can run anyway?

im just surprised that no-one has mentioned a flight sim yet.i want one,but dont know what will now!
'Mr devil45' said:
are there any good flight sims that pandora can run?
are there any flight sims it can run anyway?

im just surprised that no-one has mentioned a flight sim yet.i want one,but dont know what will now!
looks good. Try googling for "open source flight simulators" and such, that way you can ask a few more specific questions.

Remember, the device hasn't been released yet. Check this page for a nice list of open source games that could possibly be ported! CODE
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Flight simulators will destroy the Pandora's processing power, there should be some good and playable arcade flight games though.
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The iStuff seems to do fine with X-Plane, although it's closed-source IIRC.

The problem I have is that flight simulators are extremely slow-paced and incredibly difficult unless you're the kind of person who can actually fly a plane.

Are there plans for any arcade flying games?
I suppose if there were any early Ace Combat games on PS1, those will work, but a native game would obviously be much cooler, and have better graphics, etc.
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lulzfish said:
The problem I have is that flight simulators are extremely slow-paced and incredibly difficult unless you're the kind of person who can actually fly a plane.
That's what flight sims are for; real flying! You've got to be a certain kind of person with a certain obsession about aerodynamics to enjoy it.

As for FlightGear, don't count on it being ported. It uses full OpenGL and, if I recall correctly, it has some pretty massive RAM and processing requirements. Well, more massive than the Pandora. Unfortunately, I don't expect any really real flight sims will be ported, but I still hold hope for some arcadey ones.
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'fischju2000' said:
Flight simulators will destroy the Pandora's processing power, there should be some good and playable arcade flight games though.

That's a big call. I used to run MS Flight Sim on my IBM XT in 1991. There'll be something out there to suit Pandora.
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flightgear has recently moved to openscenegraph. That should have lowered the demand for processing power dramatically plus someone is working on a openGL-ES backend for osg. I guess it's at least worth a try.
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There was a good arcade-ish flying game called GL-117 that I played years ago - not sure if it's open source or not.
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To see the result of my search about flight sims on just copy/paste these lines in your browser :)


Bye, Magic Sam
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The flight simulator I would like to see is something like RealFlight G4. It is an R/C Plane simulator so it is fast and pretty fun. Obviously that program wouldn't work but I found Flying-Model-Simulator which is free but not open source. It's for windows but the old versions are for DOS so maybe it would work. I didn't really spend much time looking.
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Flight Gear or Palomino could be ported to the Pandora, but either would be a good bit of work. Not impossible, but both programs would require a fair amount of optimization to run well on the Pandora.

A more immediate solution would be any of the first three Ace Combat games for the PSX. They're not full-on flight sims, but closer to it than, for instance, Afterburner.


A list of other PSX flight sims:
Flight sim that runs on Pandora...

FA/18 Interceptor on Amiga Emulator.

You can close this thread now its done ;)
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either ACM (aerial combat simulator) or gl-117 ,acm is more what you want I think, but it crashes a fair bit, gl-117 is stable but arcadey. try em out (you do have a dual boot setup? yes?).

edit: both are available from Ubuntu repositories...
'lulzfish' said:
The iStuff seems to do fine with X-Plane, although it's closed-source IIRC.

The problem I have is that flight simulators are extremely slow-paced and incredibly difficult unless you're the kind of person who can actually fly a plane.

Are there plans for any arcade flying games?
I suppose if there were any early Ace Combat games on PS1, those will work, but a native game would obviously be much cooler, and have better graphics, etc.
I've loved flight sims ever since windows 95, and have enjoyed playing them ever since, and is/was one of my deciding factors for having the pandora in any case, is the potential to play one "on the go" with joystick support.

I'm not a pilot, and have been in personal aircraft only a handful of times, but, like all games, it's another challenge. Plus it satisfies that paranoia in the back of my head that says if I'm ever on a 747, and they need a pilot, I know exactly where the parachutes are kept when I jump out.
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j.pickens said:
You are looking for an RC model airplane or helicopter flight simulator?

Here is one for linux, though I know nothing about making it work for Pandora:
On the topic of RC sims, check out what I just bought. Not for Pandora, but because I stumbled across it for $20.



It comes with a sim on cartridge (for Atari ST). An old review:

How cool is it! :D It's easily adapted for PC use apparently. I don't think I'll be carting it around with Pandora though.
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