Any Chances Of Getting The First Batch Reopened?


Still Fresh
Nov 24, 2008
I'm not crazy nor stupid, but i think that taking into account last events it could be possible to reopen the first batch...some of the components are already, while others are still being made...firsts can be ordered again (a "few" more units) and the others can get the order altered to make it bigger

There's a lot of people excited with the opportunity of getting a pandora that arrived later to the preorder (like me) and others that were afraid of buying in the first batch and now are regreting deeply. Once you start the assembling phase i bet you could get all the components before all the pandoras are finished (and yes i know the problems with the lcds, but if you order soon it could be feasible to get them in time counting the time for the rest of the first order arrives and the time pandoras need to be assembled)

Second batch is gonna take a long time due to the delays in the first one. You have commented the possibility of a few pandoras getting into selling again due to some people that haven't reordered. That's gonna be like a rabbit among starved wolves...

I'm not talking about a long preorder, but a week would be long enough for people that have changed his mind or couldn't get one before...due to all the delays i believe it could be possible to make or alter some orders and get the components in time...of course this would be with the new price you were thinking for the second batch (339$??)...this is not about you losing money or making not profit at all

Maybe i'm being too entusiastic and there are flaws i can't see...but least think about it seriuosly...the more early adopters, the more developers and business that will get interested in pandora

If you join the original preorders now you'd only be getting your refund in February. :P

I think the best chance you would get is the few that are (assuming they are) put back up for preorder that were never reordered, if that makes any sense, hehe.

Remember that most Pandora's sold within the first two or three days, and that the limit of 4000 is in place because from what I remember reading on these boards is this was all that they are able to handle. Hmm, I think I read somewhere that they could only do 5000 per month or something (or maybe it was per batch or something) at most, not sure exactly.

To quote Chip:
Chip said:
The manufacturing facility has the capability to make up to 5000 units per month, so the Pandora would have to become massively popular for demand to surpass capacity for supply.
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5000 units per month? this is gonna take more than one month because of the delays for some parts...2 months=10.000 units..i don't think there are so many people wanting a pandora :P maybe i'm wrong of course

The main problem i can see is the new components arriving in time and not causing a new delay....but that's something only the pandora team can aswer

i guess i'll have to pray for those units left by people that didn't reorder..but i repeat what i like the rabbit among starved wolves :)