Any Case News?

I love the detailed status update; it feels great knowing where we currently stand with everything. Thanks, ED!
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Thanks a lot for the update ED. We appreciate that you give us accurate and honest information (unlike certain individuals who damn-near straight-up lie to us so often it's become nearly comical). I don't see how anyone can read that information and think that July is actually realistic... disappointing.
I can read it and think that July is possible, but unlikely. I also don't see why July wouldn't be possible if they got the board manufacture run done earlier, like I asked about in my previous post.

-God Ginrai
Wow, thanks ED the blog post makes me really happy!
Agreed! ED's recent posts are the best things to show up on this forum/website for weeks.
I don't feel like I'm just being kept in the dark anymore. If he keeps doing thing on a regular basis I'll be happy regardless of when Pandora ships.

(And Craig, you said July......)

They're already going to miss that.

(I assume everyone already did the math in their head, but let's walk through it anyway. )
Mass production of cases can't happen until the d-pad stuff is resolved. That won't happen until "next week". Lets be generous and assume that the d-pad is fixed on Monday and case production happens Tuesday. (Unlikely, if only because of time-zone issues.)

Since "moulding now takes approx. 45 days", they're not going to be finished until July 30th at the soonest.

Figure a week to ship them to Craigix (Or whoever), and a week to assemble,test,and box them. Shipout doesn't begin until mid-August at the earliest. (Others delays like shipping things between devs, Assembling a final final Pandora for testing, etc will add to this time.)

Bah! Once again Craigix has raised my hopes only to smash them. I've got to remember only to listen to EvilDragon, he always gives us the straight dope in plain english.

Thanks, ED!
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Well, when craig said July, it was while we were deciding, if we should add a bit more delay but make it perfect or go straight on with it.
Your recent poll about how long you want to wait and the positive comments about taking our time and rather make it best than rush did help us with our decision :)

I'll try to continue with regular posts, but I got a lot of daytime work at the moment, so I'm not sure how often I can catch up with everything that happens. I'll try to do my best though :)
Of course, I'm assuming that all 4000 cases come in one giant box. So it might not be as bad as all that. If they got the first 100 sooner, they might be able to mate those with the first 100 boards and send some units outs by July 30th.

Even so they'd be cutting it razor close.
Great update Ed thanks!

I just want to know why we have not heard from Chip in quite a while? I thought he was "the spokesman" of the OP team?
Well, when craig said July, it was while we were deciding, if we should add a bit more delay but make it perfect or go straight on with it.
I wish he'd said that! There's a huge difference between "I'm doing something in July" and "I'm trying to decide whether to do something in either July or September".
Your recent poll about how long you want to wait and the positive comments about taking our time and rather make it best than rush did help us with our decision :)

Careful. Consider the wording of the poll ("If no Pandora by this it's over for me;") and the number of respondents (249). This is could be a poll of the most hard-core segment of your audience.

Even so, 25% of people said they'd cancel if they didn't have it by September. I hope it doesn't go that long, but if it does at least it'll be fun to see how many of them were just talk. :)

I'll try to continue with regular posts, but I got a lot of daytime work at the moment, so I'm not sure how often I can catch up with everything that happens. I'll try to do my best though :)

Please try. Knowing what's going on is what makes the wait bearable.
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Well, when craig said July, it was while we were deciding, if we should add a bit more delay but make it perfect or go straight on with it.
I wish he'd said that! There's a huge difference between "I'm doing something in July" and "I'm trying to decide whether to do something in either July or September".
Well, we didn't know that would happen at that time. ;"]
This is the essence why more updates wouldnt satisfy most people. Everybody will say but you said x and now its y. I like the updates as they are. And there are plenty. Thanks again ED.
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I'm wondering now about the wifi issues. I am curious if it will be necessary to have them fully working under Angstrom for CE testing. The reason that I wonder is that if the chip is acting unpredictably under its normal operating environment would that be cause for concern with the testers?

Aside from that, excellent blog post, thanks Ed!
This is the essence why more updates wouldnt satisfy most people. Everybody will say but you said x and now its y. I like the updates as they are. And there are plenty. Thanks again ED.
Craigix's "July" post didn't even count as an update. It was just a month hanging out there in space.

If he'd explained the situation and the decisions facing him we would have understood that July was just one possibility being considered, and gotten some sense of what still had to happen and what could still go wrong.

I know this would have taken more than two sentences to convey, but It would have saved a lot of frustration on the part of his paying customers.

"July!" is very diferent from "Here are a bunch of things that might change, but right now they add up to July."

That is why ED's posts are typically awesome, and Craigix's posts make people momentarily happy but then angry.
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I guess what I've been trying to say in this thread over and over is that Craigix's style of updating us via hints and whispers is extraordinarily frustrating, and not a little insulting. As a pre-paid customer I feel that we deserve more respect.

That's all.