Anti-Reflective Screen Coating?


GP32 NumbNuts
Feb 19, 2003
I have had my GP32 since last July and just curious if anyone has experienced this ...

A couple of days after recieving my GP32 I was cleaning my screen using a very slightly damp cloth, this caused what appeared to be very small scratches where I had been rubbing, for the next few months I was very careful about cleaning the screen but obviously very miffed about the scratches. One day I decided to rub a wet thumb over the scratches and what happened was the scratches became smudges. I then realised that the Anti-reflective coating was waterbased and whenever water was applied it caused the screen to smudge, so I took some pretty wet tissue to the screen and this removed all of the coating leaving me with a scratch and smudge free screen.

I am just curious if anyone else has experienced this, the screen is in my opinion better to look at without the coating anyway so I am not bothered that I removed it, just find it strange that they used a water based coating.
So are you saying that you put a tissue that was wet to your screen? :huh: I tried and it didn't help the little scratches.... :( what exatcly did you do? can you please help me out :D
Not knowing how fragile or easily scratched the screen is. I have not even removed the protective plastic that it came protected with. Has anyone else left this on. It seems to still be fairly easy to see. Until I have some kind of protective bag or something, I don't want to remove it.
Maestro posted on Mar 24 2003 said:
So are you saying that you put a tissue that was wet to your screen? :huh: I tried and it didn't help the little scratches.... :( what exatcly did you do? can you please help me out :D
Just rubbed the screen quite hard with damp tissue, took me about 15 mins to get it all off with the edges being the most difficult.
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Hawkez posted on Mar 25 2003 said:
Not knowing how fragile or easily scratched the screen is. I have not even removed the protective plastic that it came protected with. Has anyone else left this on. It seems to still be fairly easy to see. Until I have some kind of protective bag or something, I don't want to remove it.
I took it off the second I took the GP32 out the box, but I've still got it around - I always use it when I take the GP32 out in packaging - I don't have the official carry case yet.
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I wear glasses so have a glasses cleaner (liquid) and use a MicroCleaning cloth - both together give the screen a good clean with the plus factor of not scratching it.

You can get these from places like Boots.
I found out that if you are careful you can actually remove the screen from your gp32.I carefully prised the grey surround off and then the rectangle of clear plastic will come free-its glued into place but it seems to have stuck back ok after i cleaned and replaced it.I wouldnt reccomend you doing this too often as the glue would stop sticking,but if u want to give your screen a really good clean this seems to b an ok method.
Warning: The border around the Gray insert is very soft and easily bendable, prying out the Gray border to get to the window will leave marks.