Ansmann Photocam Mobil Charger


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Nov 16, 2003
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* Charge 2 or 4 batteries AA / AAA
* 3 years warranty
* Includes x4 2400mAh AA NiMH batteries
* In-car adapter
* Overcharging protection
* Faulty cell detection
* Worldwide use
* Batteries can be charged from flat in around 2hrs.

"The Photocam mobil is a microprocessor controlled super speed charger for 2-4 NiMH cells & was specifically designed for use with high end power hungry digital cameras that use AA batteries although can also be used to charge AAA batteries.

This Ansmann charger set includes an electronic mains adapter (100 – 240 V AC) for worldwide use and a 12 V DC adapter for mobile use in your vehicle."


Sounds too good to be true for me, anyone bought one? I know Andmann are supposed to be a good make, but that's about all. I'm currently using Energizer 1300mAh batts, and they seem to last around the 2 hours mark, so was thinking of using these for trips and the like (plus the digicam takes AA's too).
Although not quite the same model, I've been quite impressed with my Ansmann charger. Mine is the Digispeed 4 & came with 4 AA 2600 NiMH batteries. Apart from the worldwide use that the one you're looking at has, mine has all thoses features. It charges the batteries from flat in about 2 & a half hours. Mine also has fans that keep the batteries cool while charging. (lost a few sets of batteries in the past when they've bloated through overheating).

I think for the price you've seen it for, it's worth getting.
I use Ansmann 2600 batteries with a Maplin 30 minute charger and i get plenty of life out of the GP2x on those.

The Charger comes with four 2300 maplin batteries as well.

It is on special offer in March if you look at the vouchers in the maplin catalogue.

This assumes you live in the UK....
hannanshah posted on Feb 14 2006 at 05:19 PM said:
Is there a big difference between using 2400 and 2600mAh Ansmann batteries on the GP2X?
There's nearly a one-hour difference between my 2300mah Duracells and my longer-lasting 2500mah Energizers, but YMMV.
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I suggest taking a loader with single cell supervision, like the Ansmann Powerline 4. It comes with four 2400 mAh batteries for 35 €.

i have the ansmann photocam 2 charger (without car adaptor)
it came with 4 2400mah batteries and i also bought a pack of 2600mah digital batteries too.

i havent timed how long they last but with the 2600 its probably 3+ hours.havent used the 2400's as they are in my camera.
the charger does do a full charge in 2 hours and it also can top up batteries,so you dont have to run them empty.
i got mine from here but they were having a sale and i got the charger and the 2600mah for £24!
I use Ansmann 2500 with a multiplex charger, I get around 4 hours on squidgesnes@266MHz
I use that very charger and the batteries that came with it, Squidge. I have not had any problems, and after a few uses in my GP2X the supplied batteries tend to last for about five or six hours at a time now at the stock 200MHz speed. (I admit that I have not sat down with a stopwatch and timed this, it is just a rough estimate based upon my normal usage of the console. This tends to be an hour or two here and there over the course of a day or two or three before a pair of batteries runs out and needs recharging.)

Since the charger comes with four batteries and they last roughly that long once they're "up to capacity" (although as with all things of this sort, your mileage may vary), this also means that there is no real chance of not having the other pair of batteries charged in time for when the ones you are using run out, unless you forget to charge them. :P

Does anyone know the difference between the normal and the digital batteries?
(sorry didn't have time to read other posts now)

I bought a Ansmann PowerLine 4 including 4 2400 batteries, working great and lasting some hours (dunno exactly but its quite good). You never run out of power if you got all 4 batteries fully charged with you.

The only thing I wonder about is that my batteries are only 1.2V x2 = 2.4V, could this affect my overclock performance? (currently maxing out at 285Mhz, dont have a mains adaptor yet)
The only thing I wonder about is that my batteries are only 1.2V x2 = 2.4V, could this affect my overclock performance?
1.2 V is the normal value for NiMh AA batteries.
@ Squidge;: I bought a similar thing in Spain for around €35 so same sort of price. Mine is Energizer but similar specs except (getting good 4-5 hrs emulation)2500 batts.

I'd go for it. :)
Cyclops posted on Feb 16 2006 at 03:58 PM said:
Is that with the latest beta firmare or an ealier one.

Still running earlier version.
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