Another Waste Of Tax Payers Money

I think that they should put these 90M$ in the poor hoods, the people which I saw doin' bad stuff was about the need of money and not video games!
markusdragon posted on Mar 30 2005 at 04:36 AM said:
I've played videogames since i was 5, and I have trouble actually bringing myself to punch people, even when I'm getting attacked. Videogames evidently are not the cause of society's problems.
actually i am brain damaged thanks to stupid kids who could not speak properly. They could not do anything, then they tried gta and learnt to kill aimlessly.
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KickinWing posted on Mar 31 2005 at 03:43 PM said:
Fishbong posted on Mar 31 2005 at 10:31 AM said:
LOL, first all videogames will be forbidden in the USA, then Hiphop music, then every expression of youth culture. Finally, the populace of the USA will to 90% consist of cranky old repubicans and Cowboys.

i don't want to get into political battle, but since your in Germany, i'll just let you know that it's not the republicans that want to take away personal freedoms. As you can see, Hillary a democrat, is heading up this pile of crap.
OMG, you´re right. I use to blame the republicans for everything....
Just replace "republicians" with "conservatives" and it´ll make sense again.
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Enslaved posted on Mar 31 2005 at 09:17 PM said:
Hopefully Arnie becomes president eventually. He seems to be doing a good job with California.
That would be a cool president

Would kick Osama´s ass allright...
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Fishbong posted on Apr 1 2005 at 04:33 PM said:
Enslaved posted on Mar 31 2005 at 09:17 PM said:
Hopefully Arnie becomes president eventually. He seems to be doing a good job with California.
That would be a cool president

Would kick Osama´s ass allright...

That is the last thing we need is another stupid ass republican stealing from the middle class and giving to the rich.
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Fishbong posted on Apr 1 2005 at 04:29 PM said:
KickinWing posted on Mar 31 2005 at 03:43 PM said:
Fishbong posted on Mar 31 2005 at 10:31 AM said:
LOL, first all videogames will be forbidden in the USA, then Hiphop music, then every expression of youth culture. Finally, the populace of the USA will to 90% consist of cranky old repubicans and Cowboys.

i don't want to get into political battle, but since your in Germany, i'll just let you know that it's not the republicans that want to take away personal freedoms. As you can see, Hillary a democrat, is heading up this pile of crap.
OMG, you´re right. I use to blame the republicans for everything....
Just replace "republicians" with "conservatives" and it´ll make sense again.

For your info, for the most part Republicans = conservatives.

And to all of the Bush lovers have you seen the price of gas lately? It was predicted that if Bush was re-elected this would happen. As an oil man himself Bush has made it a mandate that all of his rich oil buddies would get fatter off of the backs of the American worker. Oil company profits are off the charts. That is okay, all Bush has to do is spout off all of his stupid Jesus talk and he is allowed to do basically anything. Start a war for a bogus reason, ruin the environment so that big business can get richer, give big drug companies full freedom to charge what they want, plunder social security by having people give their money to big business to play with in stocks. Praise the lord, and bend over.

After this piece of shit Bush, Hilary wouldn't be that bad ;)
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man, i share your opinions, but let's not let this turn into a full on bs political debate that goes nowhere.
Heh, maybe rest of the world should apply for american citizenship, to influence the next election... How many green cards do they dish out yearly? Or is that just a working permit? :P