Beta Another Test Wifi Driver


Certified Guru
Aug 23, 2005
This is a test build of wifi driver that might support ad-hoc and monitor mode. This is result of work by David, so all thanks should go to him (I only did the integration). I only tested basic operation though, don't know if any new features really work.
note: you need to have HF5 installed to use it.
note2: if you came here from future and have HF6+ firmware, you should not install this as this will break your wifi due to incompatible kernel.
Master Mode huh... someone wants to use his Pandora as a Tethering Hotspot huh? XD
meandu229 said:
Thanks for this,, will hopfully fix the n900 adhoc problem ill report back
Awesome. If this works, I can unplug a switch and an access-point. :D

Is the connection stable? Currently, my wifi starts with ~230kb/s and then sinks to ~30kb/s. Makes streaming video pretty much impossible :/
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conso said:
meandu229 said:
Thanks for this,, will hopfully fix the n900 adhoc problem ill report back
Awesome. If this works, I can unplug a switch and an access-point. :D

Is the connection stable? Currently, my wifi starts with ~230kb/s and then sinks to ~30kb/s. Makes streaming video pretty much impossible :/
Couldnt get it to connect to my n900 using mobile hot spot, :(
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not sure if perception is faulty but battery drain seems greater with this driver version?
I want to test this but can someone tell me where I can find an ipk to revert back to the original driver? Thanks for playing with this Notaz, I remember begging you to apply the injection patch. Anyone attempt injection yet? Does channel scanning work well?
peelie said:
not sure if perception is faulty but battery drain seems greater with this driver version?

It may not be perception, it is known on the N900 the modules in comparison to stock modules cause a quicker drain. Might not be a bad idea to get the original modules and these....create a script to rmmod and insmod on the fly so you only use the patched ones when you really want them.

I took the plunge, installed the is stable. I was able to test monitor mode again this is stable......later when I am around an active WEP I'll see if I can inject and get the key....although rather be injecting elsewhere on a Friday night.

EDIT: No injection, and does not appear to capture data with airodump-ng...Shows that it is "Fixed" while running although channels appear to be changing but no packets are saved to the file. I will provide some screens later.
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ok, what's the word on this driver... is there a way to revert to the original if things go south? would rather avoid a second reflash...

also, does the new driver offr any speed gain? using wget with the default driver and maxing out at around 6k/s on a 6M broadband connection...
I definitely get much higher speeds than that with the new driver but also saw higher speeds pre-patched-driver
it has spiked every now and then to around 100 or 200, but it stays consistanly below 100 most of the time, which is quite painful... Will try the driver here sometime soon...
I tried using this on my Pandora, due to my WiFi not working too well previously, but it only made things worse. Mostly posting the following as a little 'warning' for other Pandora users who may wish to use this driver.

My WiFi is toggled on, but I cannot see any access points, which I could do previously. I cannot attempt to change the wlan0's power mode, nor can a 'iwlist scan' be completed, as the console eventually prints the following: 'Failed to read scan data: Resource temporarily unavailable.'

WiFi cannot be toggled off, and if I attempt to do so, it will seemingly take 'forever' to turn off and cannot be toggled back on. I cannot set the Pandora to the low-power mode via the switch (as it tries to turn the WiFi off before turning the screen off). I cannot shut down either for the same reason.

Is there anything I can do revert this install or must I "reflash"?
Here is original HF5 driver:
install with 'opkg install --force-reinstall' (I think, might be some other force option).

However based on your description it sounds more like it's hardware related, the chip tends to act inconsistent when it has problems..