Another Humble Bundle :D

I purchased it, and don't regret it. Voxatron is awesome!

Yeah, it's stretching the definition of "Bundle" a lot, and has come very soon after the last "Bundle"... but ultimately it's getting money to charity and to the developers. For the sake of a few bucks, just do it!

It's obvious that most people are having similar feelings about these non-bundle-bundles, as the average is very, very low.
First of all, it's not called (and I assume deliberately) "Humble Bundle", but "Humble ... debut", just in case you are still hacking away on that point.

(Please don't complain about getting not enough in this "bundle", you are just spoiled by the first few bundles which offered you many indie games for much less than they were actually worth. Also if you don't like the offered genres, don't buy it.)

Second of all, "Binding of Isaac" and "Blocks that Matter" have been added.

I got the first one on release day and it has been pretty fun, "Binding of Isaac" is a Zelda and Rougelike inspired Top-Down Shooter/Dungeon Crawler with randomly generated levels and items (in a playthrough you will get about 20 out of 200). It's also super hard.

If you have not gotten it already, you probably should now.
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I'm not questioning what it's called. They could call it "super awesome pay what you want sale!" and it would be entirely accurate and I'd still be questioning it. I'd question it because it seems to have pushed out the "help these indie devs get their games out there and earn some money so they can make more games" ideal and replaced it with "anyone who wants to do a pay what you want, come see us".

While it is good that the second, current, system exists, it needs to exist alongside the original purpose, and if that's where they were going they should have created "super awesome pay what you want sale" when it was time instead of slowly morphing the original Humble Bundle ideal into this one. That's how I see it, anyway. I'd love to hear other interpretations.
I don't really care all that much about whatever ideal is behind it. Anything that makes more DRM free games available on Linux is a good thing in my book.

I prefer the bigger bundles because of the increased variety and because I get to try some lesser games which I would not have bought otherwise along with a few gems. Voxatron and Blocks that matter are both great games. I haven't played Binding of Isaac much yet, but it appears quite decent for a flash game. So all in all, this is actually a pretty nice deal.
Well, tbh, starting a bundle with a game in "alpha" state looked kinda silly in my eyes, too.

Apart from that it's still seems like the old "promote rather unknown indie games", they just started focussing on a few new titles instead of a lot old titles per bundle.

Though I have to admit, I would like to see the selection process or criterias for which games are chosen.
And another Bundle is up. This time it is some classics from introversion. A great chance to pick up these games if you somehow missed out on them.
I had the following conversation shortly before I bought the bundle:

Will you guys forgive me for being kind of cheap tonight? I'm running out of money and I've given more in the past... I'm just nearly broke.

Jeffrey Rosen: for sure

Jeffrey Rosen: no worries

Thank you Mr. Rosen




Nice to meet you


Jeffrey Rosen:


Well have a nice day!

Also, have you heard of the Pandora?

It has a port of Aquaria

Jeffrey Rosen: indeed

thats strange because im sure we do not yet have a port of Aquaria other wise I would be playing it now!

but nice conversation log :)
Just bought this, I did like the ability to change who gets what percentage :)

Total payments: $384,869.98
Purchases #: 101,310

Average purchase: $3.80

Average Windows: $3.25

Average Mac: $5.12

Average Linux: $7.76
That's a little sad to see IMO. You get all those games and you think it's only worth a couple of quid! :angry:
dont forget those figures are an average meaning its possible that a few people pay LOADS and lots of people pay $1 or £1 or €1 which is so tight/cheep and they should be ashamed! and thats why the average works out so low!
These titles are also quite old and many people have purchased one or more of them before. So to lower averages are not that unexpected.

That said, I cannot help but think that they are releasing too many bundles lately. I haven't even played all games of the previous ones yet.