Angstrom packages and using opkg?


Dec 6, 2007
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Hey there,

I'm having some trouble installing packages (rsync for now) from the angstrom repo, could anyone give me some pointers please?

What I'm doing so far (being connected to a proper wifi connection):

sudo opkg install rsync

I get the (un-informative) error:

Collected errors:

 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package rsync

I know the rsync package exists:

And I thought opkg would just connect and pick the one most suitable.

I guess I need to download the package myself, but which one should I chose from that list? Can I assume, I should always get the 'armv7a' packages?

Also is there any way to install these packages on a SD card instead of nand?


sudo opkg update

it's like any package manager, it downloads a list of the available packages, then works form the local copy

sudo opkg list

should list all the available packages

sure there's a way to install to sd, can't remember though, you can manually download packages and just

sudo opkg install <packagename.ipk> <directory?>

but using the package feeds and having opkg select the right architecture avoids problems (it should be armv7a though, or omap, there's loads of available architectures for most packages)
Woot! That worked, thanks Darfgarf! rsync is now installed on my baby :)

Erm, big RTFM on me anyway, invoking opkg with no arguments shows the list of command and options. To install to a given sd, you can specify a target root folder with '-d', I haven't tried that yet though.
By the way, what is the official stance about opkg upgrading regularly?

Recommended? Not recommended?
Do not opkg upgrade! It will break the system! The stuff on the Pandora is a kind of mishmash from the stable and unstable repository. If you opkg upgrade, it'll update all the known stable packages to the (higher version but) unstable packages. A lot of those unstable packages are unstable because they don't work on all systems, especially the Pandora. Don't Do it!

OPT is working on setting up their own repository. Evil Dragon hopes that one day all updates will be via an opkg upgrade like that, but for now the hotfixes with ipk files will have to suffice.