Installing Mpd


I am the king of the collectors, with hospital bed
Apr 17, 2006
 Installing MPD (Music Player Daemon, a music player taking the form of a server and a client) from the Angstrom repo is a bit troublesome, as it requires libvorbis, which is apparently in the firmware but not as a package:

Installing libvorbis (1.2.0-2.5) to root...
Collected errors:
 * check_data_file_clashes: Package libvorbis wants to install file /usr/lib/
        But that file is already provided by package  * check_data_file_clashes: libvorbis0
 * check_data_file_clashes: Package libvorbis wants to install file /usr/lib/
        But that file is already provided by package  * check_data_file_clashes: libvorbis0
 * check_data_file_clashes: Package libvorbis wants to install file /usr/lib/
        But that file is already provided by package  * check_data_file_clashes: libvorbis0
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package libvorbis.

Installing all the dependencies except libvorbis worked:

sudo opkg install libgcc1 libstdc++6 libgthread-2.0-0 libsamplerate0 libpulse0 libpulse-simple0 libasound2 libao2 libmad0 libaudiofile0 libflac8 libogg0 libz1 libid3tag0 libsqlite3-0 libfaad0 libglib-2.0-0 libavahi-glib1 libavahi-client3 libavahi-common3 libc6 update-rc.d libmp3lame0

then install mpd without dependancies

sudo opkg install mpd --nodeps

now sudo edit /etc/mpd.conf and change the lines for all the log files, etc. to things on the SD card (/media/mmcblk0p1/whatnot for SD card 1). Choose music and playlist directory.

now somehow install your frontend of choice. still working on this, so haven't actually tried functionality yet.
Angstrom repos have an MPD frontend which works very well: gmpc.

MPC and GMPC are much faster and more pleasant to use than Exaile. MPD is around 7% CPU and stays at 2.2% memory; ~1.1% CPU and 6.2% memory for the frontend. Exaile takes forever to start, search, and load a file, and with the same file/playlists takes ~20% CPU and ~15% memory.

There's also a console, ncurses-based MPD frontend, mpc, in the Angstrom repo. Installed, but haven't tested it.

Edit: Note that the music will keep playing if you shut the frontend without stopping playback first.
I'm guessing from the content of your second post that MPD is some kind of music player?

It might help if in "Installing..." threads, he poster begins with a short paragraph (just a couple of sentences) explaining what the app does, and why users might want to install it.
I'm using Orpheus, compiled from source.

Random screenshot from Google Images:

Greek mythology FTMFW.
Just wanted to add that I also got mpd+gmpc sucscesfully running on my Pandora, but I installed by be simply doing a
sudo opkg --force-overwrite install mpd
which simply overwrites the non-packaged vorbis libs with the packaged.
I dont know wheter that was a good idea or not, but so far it seems to work :P
heh, here was me thinking this would be a quick one too..

MPD itself seems easy enough to deal with.. it's MPC and GMPC which are buggers - GMPC in particular as it stashes stuff all over /usr/share.
MPC doesn't seem to do anything much if it's not installed properly.. seems to just hang for some reason.. it probably has a hard coded path to look for mpd.conf.
GMPC want's it's layout stuff stored in /usr/share/gmpc.

I could do an AUFS hack, a symlink hack ( like my original GIMP PND, which was a bit unclean ) or recompile everything from source and "do it properly."
I'm leaning towards the AUFS hack with the creation of the /usr/share/gmpc folder on NAND to bind to, as this way I can cleanly unbind it when the program closes, so I'll probably do this first and stick it in beta testing, then "do it properly" when I have the time ( or if someone else feels like it, they can step in. )

That sound fair?
Course, someone else is more than welcome to do it instead of me :)

Quick hacky PND up in Beta Testing:
Curiously, I didn't have any issues with vorbis... which worries me somewhat!
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Wewt, MPD with NCMPCPP (c++ n-curses rework) FTMFW \o/
I always use it on my server for streaming (and play locally) too. I'm not sure how it would feel on a handheld, but I'm ready to try asap :D

The problem will probably be with removable drives as MPD keeps a fixed db for it's media. Refreshing your db every time you change disks would suck.
I'm really looking forward for all the minimal mp3-solutions that will emerge for the pandy. I'm not a fan of gui's (non-cmd-line) for music-playing (although I was amazed when I found amarok a few years back).
I've always found sonata to be a most agreeable fronted to MPD, very small, unobtrusive, and somewhat foobar2000-like. It's probably just a short compile away.

edit: linky