Android Topic


Retro game fanatic
Oct 3, 2008
Fort Knox, KY. USA
not going to resurrect the android thread and watch the war of the zombie thread and the flames that try to keep it at bay will start another topic

just announced got me wondering about how android on the panda will go down when and if it does happen. I haven't test driven this piece of hardware but will be ordering one soon to see how well it does on some decent (compareable) hardware.

1)Is anyone or group working on such a port at this time either on either the pandora or the beagle board?

2)Have/will pandora drivers be added to a future/current version of the generic linux kernel?

3)Will drivers have to be re-written entirely or could the angstrom drivers be ported over to android pretty easily? (above my tech level)

4)If I'm understand correctly android can be ran on top of angstrom or dual booted or both, confused which layer this is refering to.

5)where's a good place to start for someone's first OS port and don't you dare say ;)
jb0yx said:
not going to resurrect the android thread and watch the war of the zombie thread and the flames that try to keep it at bay will start another topic

just announced http://www.engadget....out-of-android/ got me wondering about how android on the panda will go down when and if it does happen. I haven't test driven this piece of hardware but will be ordering one soon to see how well it does on some decent (compareable) hardware.

1)Is anyone or group working on such a port at this time either on either the pandora or the beagle board?

2)Have/will pandora drivers be added to a future/current version of the generic linux kernel?

3)Will drivers have to be re-written entirely or could the angstrom drivers be ported over to android pretty easily? (above my tech level)

4)If I'm understand http://source.androi...TOC-Other-Linux correctly android can be ran on top of angstrom or dual booted or both, confused which layer this is refering to.

5)where's a good place to start for someone's first OS port and don't you dare say ;)

1) Yes, on the Beagleboard: http://labs.embinux....x.php/Main_Page

DJWillis has also done some preliminary porting to Pandora. Source.

2) I don't know about Pandora-specific hardware, but the kernel does have OMAP 3 support.

3) Drivers shouldn't depend on a specific distribution. I don't know of any reason the drivers couldn't be built for Android.

4) That just says that Android can be built on another system. It doesn't run on top of anything else, but it can certainly be dual-booted. You can't build it on the Pandora itself, obviously, due to the lack of sufficient memory.

5) Well, I think that if you have to ask, you probably don't have the skill. I don't. ;)
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What would be more useful for more people would be a VM to run Android apps.

The OS itself is not particularly interesting IMO.