An Idea For An Rpg


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2005
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Since SNES isn't fullspeed yet, I think we should make a dev group to make a game I thought of for the past couple weeks. Maybe we can even make it a commercial game after the competition... I am just learning how to program and this would be helpful in progressing through the learning process. Well all(I assume)we need is:
-Programmer(maybe somebody else who wants to work on their programming?)
-Story and Idea creator(I guess me)
-Artist and Sprite artist(snes quality)
-Somebody that can make music(snes quality)
That's it. B)
Sounds like a noble goal!
What I'd suggest you do is to put together some sort of design doc.
First of all, what kind of gameplay are we looking at? Zelda? Final Fantasy? An amalgam of the two? Something entirely different? What are the core gameplay mechanics? Battles? Experience points (or not)? Things like that.

I think it'll be easier to find people who want to work with you on it that way.
OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 09:29 PM said:
-Artist and Sprite artist(snes quality)
-Somebody that can make music(snes quality)

Fairly lofty demands, don't you think?
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Magnulus posted on Jul 19 2006 at 01:51 PM said:
Sounds like a noble goal!
What I'd suggest you do is to put together some sort of design doc.
First of all, what kind of gameplay are we looking at? Zelda? Final Fantasy? An amalgam of the two? Something entirely different? What are the core gameplay mechanics? Battles? Experience points (or not)? Things like that.

I think it'll be easier to find people who want to work with you on it that way.
Yeah, thanks. :D I actually want this to blend normal RPG gameplay with some original ideas.

nem posted on Jul 19 2006 at 01:55 PM said:
OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 09:29 PM said:
-Artist and Sprite artist(snes quality)
-Somebody that can make music(snes quality)

Fairly lofty demands, don't you think?
I'm sure there are pixel artists that good. ;)

Whoever wants to join, tell me quickly, as we would have to start ASAP.
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OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 09:06 PM said:
I actually want this to blend normal RPG gameplay with some original ideas.
Doesn't awnser the question ;) Zelda like RPG or FinalFantasy like RPG? (Asking because... well, I already started work on a zelda like RPG)
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Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 02:52 PM said:
OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 09:06 PM said:
I actually want this to blend normal RPG gameplay with some original ideas.
Doesn't awnser the question ;) Zelda like RPG or FinalFantasy like RPG? (Asking because... well, I already started work on a zelda like RPG)
At this point, I am split between real time battle or turn-based action, I guess that would be the team's choice... ;) Can I get more info about your RPG?
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I'd suggest you to write a two to six pages long design doc. Without something like this, you'll hardly find some programmers/musicians/artists for it. A good example of someone getting a team for a game is here:

Some alreadyd drawn sprites, a design doc etc. If I remember correctly Magnulus now is working on it with nickspoon or some one else.
Stuff like this just shows the other people that you really are interested in finishing the game and that it isn't just a idea that came up while eating and got posted on the boards five minutes later.

Cheers, David.

PS: I'd be happy about a finished game in this style :)

Edit: And also, a design doc will make sure that the team won't get stuck in a corner sometimes or that it would have to recode a big part of the game because of some misunderstanding or something.
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OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 10:04 PM said:
Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 02:52 PM said:
OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 09:06 PM said:
I actually want this to blend normal RPG gameplay with some original ideas.
Doesn't awnser the question ;) Zelda like RPG or FinalFantasy like RPG? (Asking because... well, I already started work on a zelda like RPG)
At this point, I am split between real time battle or turn-based action, I guess that would be the team's choice... ;) Can I get more info about your RPG?
Sure, it's in the startup phase, only thing set is that it's Zelda like. But ofcourse more advanced, more features. The rest is all ideas from here, nothing set in stone yet.

EDIT: Not to forget, I recently contacted "EvilAlex" on this board. Who can do gfx and music.
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Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 03:23 PM said:
OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 10:04 PM said:
Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 02:52 PM said:
OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 09:06 PM said:
I actually want this to blend normal RPG gameplay with some original ideas.
Doesn't awnser the question ;) Zelda like RPG or FinalFantasy like RPG? (Asking because... well, I already started work on a zelda like RPG)
At this point, I am split between real time battle or turn-based action, I guess that would be the team's choice... ;) Can I get more info about your RPG?
Sure, it's in the startup phase, only thing set is that it's Zelda like. But ofcourse more advanced, more features. The rest is all ideas from here, nothing set in stone yet.
So, you are programming it? :huh: If so, I'd like to know if you want to merge these projects....
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OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 10:27 PM said:
Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 03:23 PM said:
Sure, it's in the startup phase, only thing set is that it's Zelda like. But ofcourse more advanced, more features. The rest is all ideas from here, nothing set in stone yet.
So, you are programming it? :huh: If so, I'd like to know if you want to merge these projects....
Yep, I'm the programmer. Sounds like a nice idea to merge the projects, not sure how much you've done already, but it's mostly ideas and some basic code on this side.
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Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 03:30 PM said:
OMars posted on Jul 19 2006 at 10:27 PM said:
Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 03:23 PM said:
Sure, it's in the startup phase, only thing set is that it's Zelda like. But ofcourse more advanced, more features. The rest is all ideas from here, nothing set in stone yet.
So, you are programming it? :huh: If so, I'd like to know if you want to merge these projects....
Yep, I'm the programmer. Sounds like a nice idea to merge the projects, not sure how much you've done already, but it's mostly ideas and some basic code on this side.
What is your idea for the story? I have a pretty good one and I'd like to know yours, maybe we could come to a compromise... I think that you should be the programmer in the team, assuming you want to join. On my side, I am writing a story, but I know very little programming(started a couple of weeks ago). Ask EvilAlex if he would like to join. :)
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I think you're going about this all wrong. If you really want this project to go anywhere, you at least need;

-A game concept
-A direction you want to take
-An idea of the art style
-Details of the finer points of the game - RPG? Be more specific. Turn based? Real-Time? Zelda-esqe? People arn't going to take interest if you don't give them something to be interested in.
-Don't ask for help, if you've got a good idea, help will come to you.

Sorry if I sound a little condescending, but you really need to put more effort in if you expect this to go anywhere :)

Whoever wants to join, tell me quickly, as we would have to start ASAP.

That's not very encouraging...check out the Simple RTS thread, it'll give you a good example of the teamwork and effort it takes to lift a project off the ground.
OMars said:
Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 03:30 PM said:
So, you are programming it? :huh: If so, I'd like to know if you want to merge these projects....
Yep, I'm the programmer. Sounds like a nice idea to merge the projects, not sure how much you've done already, but it's mostly ideas and some basic code on this side.
What is your idea for the story? I have a pretty good one and I'd like to know yours, maybe we could come to a compromise... I think that you should be the programmer in the team, assuming you want to join. On my side, I am writing a story, but I know very little programming(started a couple of weeks ago). Ask EvilAlex if he would like to join. :)
[/quote]I didn't have an idea for the story yet :) I suck at story writing. I'm much better in programming. EvilAlex is helping, he already had some concepts to base sprites off.

My last team effort was: Where we also started with just a small idea, but nothing fixed. We just ran off in a direction and did what we liked.
I've been programming for years now, one of my first projects with SDL was a Zelda clone: (note that it's pretty old, and learned lot after this)

@Vynx: Isn't that what we're going to do now? Planning&Designing? While I see alot of talkin the SimpleRTS topic, I see no download yet. Now that we have a few people we can make a better design&concept then he could ever think up on his own. He just screamed "I want to make something with a team!".
I remember how I collected a whole team for UMS back then, I simple made a proof of concept that paint could stick to UT players. Didn't take long for a few nice modelers where helping us. Only idea we had was "paintball modification"
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Daid posted on Jul 19 2006 at 04:04 PM said:
I didn't have an idea for the story yet :) I suck at story writing. I'm much better in programming. EvilAlex is helping, he already had some concepts to base sprites off.

My last team effort was: Where we also started with just a small idea, but nothing fixed. We just ran off in a direction and did what we liked.
I've been programming for years now, one of my first projects with SDL was a Zelda clone: (note that it's pretty old, and learned lot after this)

@Vynx: Isn't that what we're going to do now? Planning&Designing? While I see alot of talkin the SimpleRTS topic, I see no download yet. Now that we have a few people we can make a better design&concept then he could ever think up on his own. He just screamed "I want to make something with a team!".
I remember how I collected a whole team for UMS back then, I simple made a proof of concept that paint could stick to UT players. Didn't take long for a few nice modelers where helping us. Only idea we had was "paintball modification"
So, it's agreed? I will be the writer and you shall code this project. :) Can I get some samples from EvilAlex? I want to create something original, but simple to play. I also want to hear you ideas about this.

I look forward to this! :D
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Here it is! :D I hope we get some support. What does everbody think of the name and the team name? I personally like them, but then again: I made them up! :P

I want to know you guys' thoughts on this project and if you think it will work!

Note: the link will disappear in 30 days, so get it while it's hot! Plus I'm not a member.. <_<
Some points regarding the plot.
The idea to me seems pretty generic and appears to be all around heroes fighting pure evil. Something more personal and smaller might be more impressive.

I hope you'll give the main characters a human character, I hate it how heroes in some rpg's are just the typical do good guy with hardly a background or bad sides. Adding some drama and/or ministory arcs (like romance, whatever) adds to the whole thing too. :)

(Games like Lufia 2 and Final Fantasy 6 have amazing plots just because the characters are believable and have their quirks or dramatic personal events take place)

Sorry if this post sounds strange, the weather got me a terrible headache...
Draken posted on Jul 20 2006 at 03:08 PM said:
Some points regarding the plot.
The idea to me seems pretty generic and appears to be all around heroes fighting pure evil. Something more personal and smaller might be more impressive.

I hope you'll give the main characters a human character, I hate it how heroes in some rpg's are just the typical do good guy with hardly a background or bad sides. Adding some drama and/or ministory arcs (like romance, whatever) adds to the whole thing too. :)

(Games like Lufia 2 and Final Fantasy 6 have amazing plots just because the characters are believable and have their quirks or dramatic personal events take place)

Sorry if this post sounds strange, the weather got me a terrible headache...
Well that was just the begginning of the plot, you'll see what I have up my sleeve when the competition comes around. B)

Keep the posts comming guys!
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Wow so people dont get mad if you ask them for help? See Ive thought of good ideas for games but I dont know how to code.... <cough> or gfx or music (atleast not that well) </cough> but if people are actualy willing to help then thats pretty cool.