An End To Your Retro Gaming Passion ?.

37 in a couple of weeks...

Got a MAME cabinet, Pinball machine, Donkey Kong cocktail.

I play Rampart on my Lynx 2 or 3 times a week. The stupid thing is I can complete it more or less every time, so I don't really know why I keep playing it. I think it must be quite therapeutic...

I also find that I've lost interest in the latest console games. When I think back to how much I enjoyed games like Medal of Honour, Colin McRae and Tomb Raider on the PSX, they were just much more playable than the latest graphics-fest versions on the PS2. In fact, my PS2 hasn't been used for anything other than DVDs since I completed Shadow of the Colossus, which I must admit was very good though...

I'm currently rediscovering SNES games on my GP2X. I was a home computer type person, so I missed the SNES generation of console gaming...
PINMAN61 posted on Oct 31 2006 at 11:11 PM said:
At almost 45 years of age,i am probably one of the oldest members at this particular place,and with that thought in my head,i then started to wonder if there would ever come a time at some future point,when i'll say bugger it all,and just call it a day,as far as retro gaming is concerned.
As people get older,they often tend to change their opinions/attitudes towards certain things(fashion/music/politics etc etc),hence me wondering if i'll ever lose my love for this interest of mine.
Even though i've personally been playing video games for the best part of 30 years now(God i feel old....heck,i am old :lol: ),there's obviously no guarantee that i'll still have the same passion for retro gaming,within a few years time(or maybe just a few months or so,even).
Any thoughts reguarding this issue ?.Do you think that you'll ever tire of it all,or do you reckon you will carry on,till your last dying breath ? :D

Wouldn't worry about it. My mom was around 40 when she picked up gaming on our odessey2 and c64, now she's in her 60's and still going strong. :)

I myself stem from the year 1970 and I love gaming in general retro and contemporary. Altough I am selective when it comes to selecting new titles for my ps2, xbox and x360... I find myself getting 2nd hand titles more and more!

Anyways the hair is definitely going, but my passion for gaming probably won't.
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There are some great games being released still, but I have the same approach to gaming as I do to music: I'll take pure and raw rather than over-produced every time.

i'm the same way .. gameplay isn't about art so much as it is play. there's bits of both in good gameplay, but for me even the humblest little 8-bit games have great, and often-times super-great, play .. thats a fun boot in the ass when you've got 10 minutes to spare and want to have some game fun ..
I`m 22 and i was afraid before to loose interest in gaming at later age. My mother says: "Hey! When do you stop play games? You too big already!" You know, its quite hard to hear, especially if you afraid to lost passion to games oneday.

But now i see that it will never happen. Whoa! I will play till the end of my days! :P

edit: check spelling
I'm 30, do I qualify for this thread?

I can't see me ever giving up on retro gaming, I love it - loved it in the day and love it now - I have no interest in modern day gaming.

I love playing games, but just feel modern games are missing the point of gaming completly, they appear more intersted in graphical appearance rather than the fun and playability. A game does not need fantastic graphic and sound to be a fantastic game that keeps you coming back for more. :rolleyes:
I'm 30, do I qualify for this thread?

I can't see me ever giving up on retro gaming, I love it - loved it in the day and love it now - I have no interest in modern day gaming.

I love playing games, but just feel modern games are missing the point of gaming completly, they appear more intersted in graphical appearance rather than the fun and playability. A game does not need fantastic graphic and sound to be a fantastic game that keeps you coming back for more. :rolleyes:
hows the hair?
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Happy Birthday you two!

Can this be the official over 35 thread? Where we can talk about Werther's Originals and reusable condoms?

(36, btw)
They still sell Werther's Originals, and they're pretty tasty.

I don't know about reusable condoms, though. That's fairly disgusting.
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35 here, no hair to speak of. :)

And at this age I still give the young whipper snappers a run for their money on games old and new.
Just more pains and aches then in the 80s. I played Tempest so much last year on my mame cab that I pinched a nerve in my shoulder which took almost 9 months to go away. I could play for days straight as a kid. Getting old stinks!

Why do you shave your head? I tried it once, and the extremely short hairs pressing against the scalp every time you put your head on a pillow or a hat on is enough to make you uncomfortable :(

- Alex
So fellow old farts... What are your favourite games? What's the machine that you keep coming back to?
I find myself loving the MAME games more than anything. SNES is a very close second though.
Always enjoyed mame since it's been around - playing berzerk, defender, stargate, elevator action, etc..
Although Outcast could be a fave if I didn't get so confused when to hit X or B to load disks/run - so frustrating for me!! (I used to code for the Atari STe).
Neogeo / PCengine were eye-openers - never heard of them before :huh:
As for SNES - never had one and am constantly amazed at people's keen-ness on it(!?). Guess, like most things, you had to be there :D
Just wish we could get psx4all to a decent speed - that would be great - but I guess I'm unlikely to be playing Crash Team Racing in the near future. ;)
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I'm also a mid-late 30s type and i have to say that although i never thought i'd get the buzz again of staying up all through the night to polish a game off like in the days of 3 lifes, no saves, through to Flashback on the Amiga i still got that feeling for some of the Tomb Raider series.

Once it's in your blood, it's in your blood forever to a certain extent i reckon.

Maybe someone could set up a 12-step plan for us ?