Amiga OS4 Netbook announced

im thinking of getting a new computer or laptop soon.I will have to buy one of these.Will it run regular pc games i wonder and modern browsers there much software programs avavilable i wonder.
What is Amiga OS? Are we talking the same Amiga that was very popular back in the 80s?
What is Amiga OS? Are we talking the same Amiga that was very popular back in the 80s?
No amiga os is an up to date modern os developed by hyperion software.the new machines have been developed by amiga enthusiasts so they should be nice systems if they can run pc software or if there is amiga os specific software programs available and i hope they can run modern browsers etc.Im gonna get one of these as my next computer cos my current laptop is bollocsked .
I want to get natami when they start selling them to consumers.

fully backwards compatible hardware (no emulation required) with enhancements that were not in the original hardware, this is going to be quite a geek toy for me :)
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apparently timberwolf, a firefox port is coming on well.

@wrath of khan I reckon you'd be able to dual boot a powerPC linux distro to fill in any application gap but I reckon thats the limit for running PC stuff.

If you want some info on Amiga OS, it has a new website at

@milkshake I am thinking of getting a natami, depending on the price otherwise it will be the fpga arcade/replay.
Man that natami looks awesome i will have to get one of those actually.Wonder if the outer casing will look like an amiga instead of a generic pc look.edit.

there is a guy working on a proper case for the natami.Its styled on the A500 design which is only my favourite system ever.I didnt know the natami existed until you guys mentioned it here.Now im totally physched about getting one. I emailed the guy making the natami case. Heres what he said.

Loriano Pagni to me

show details 12:09 PM (10 hours ago)


Yes the natami is a really nice project, I hope it'd be finished soon.

The case Amiga 500 style I am working on is nearly completed, I am just trying to find a way to reduce the costs.

Although it has taken me several years and a lot of money in developing it plus the various prototypes I haven't decided to set up a donation link for it yet but I might have to consider it as soon though... :-)

I hope to have something to show soon.

Thank you,

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I just emailed the creator of the natami a500 style case and told him about the pandora and seems to be many parallels between this project and the pandora.i told him that there are many retro games and amiga fans there.He has spent a lot of his own money on this natami case and i for one want to see this succeed like the pandora will. :)
hmmm its ok, it would be better if an actual remold of the amiga cases i.e. 500 or 1200 but with different internal structure to fit natami was made.
hmmm its ok, it would be better if an actual remold of the amiga cases i.e. 500 or 1200 but with different internal structure to fit natami was made.
Dont quote me on this but i think i read that the natami is designed to fit easily in most cases. The guy making the case said it would cost too much to do plastic mould injection cases. He is funding the project on his own. A newly remolded case would be ideal of course. It depends how successful the natami is and the community that grows up around it i guess then maybe a plastic case could be made. The alternative was a generic pc tower case. That would just be plain shit as the amiga is not a pc.I guess its the best we have for now. :)