Amiga Os 4 Demonstration, Newcastle

Apr 15, 2003
S. Wales
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A few of you are ex amiga users, and many of you have been crying out for an amiga emulator for the GP32. So Im posting this here if you are interested. AmigaOS4 (the latest incarnation of AmigaOS - the last major release being 10 years ago) is being demonstarted in newcastle upon tyne.

AmigaOS4 BETA comes to Newcastle!

OS 4 comes to Newcastle!!! The first showing in the North of England.
And the second showing of the Beta version in the world!

21st Febuary, 2004, Chillingham Arms Newcastle, Doors open at 12.30pm, Admission Free.

Demonstrating AmigaOS4 BETA. A number of enhancements have been added since AOS4 Alpha! Alan Redhouse, from Eyetech (amigas hardware partner) will be attending.

The Following has also been confirmed:

OS 4 Beta on the AmigaOne
Micro AmigaOne
Total Amiga Magazine

Everyone Welcome!
Fu*king EXCELLENT news :D . Can`t wait for OS4 proper. :)
A new Amiga is on the cards methinks. :)
Micro$oft, Prepare to meet your fate. :angry:
Amiga world domination. :lol:
Well you got to start somewhere :P

Aye - I was at the Bath show in December and saw OS4 running there - nice. Will aslo try to get to this one. Cheers to my mate Bobson for getting it all arranged :)