Amiga Help Please


Still Fresh
Sep 6, 2007
hi carnt get amiga games to work i have put kick.rom in the same root as uae4all.gpe and roms are in the roms folder and when i run it on the gp2x i get all the icons so i click on the roms folder and i can see the games but when i click on one i have been clicking the run button and im just getting a black screen what am i doing wrong many thanks .dean
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The importance of correct punctuation:

Eats, shoots and leaves

- sorry could not resist, back on topic - the Amiga emulator does take a while to load games ;) ah no that was for the other topic that dean opened oh dear it is a bit confusing!
norm said:
peelie said:
ah no that was for the other topic that dean opened oh dear it is a bit confusing!
exactly - so many threads when all that is needed is ONE!

ok where do i get the correct kickstart rom from thanks

coldfis said:
Dean, have you -unzipped- your roms to .adfs?

ok where do i get the correct kickstart rom from thanks
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dean said:
ok where do i get the correct kickstart rom from thanks
Amiga kickstart roms are not freeware and it is illigal for anyone to give you them so ou will have to go find them yourself. try dont try just opening anew topic with the same question
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dean said:
norm said:
peelie said:
ah no that was for the other topic that dean opened oh dear it is a bit confusing!
exactly - so many threads when all that is needed is ONE!

ok where do i get the correct kickstart rom from thanks

coldfis said:
Dean, have you -unzipped- your roms to .adfs?

ok where do i get the correct kickstart rom from thanks

Asking for roms are NOT allowed, Forum rules, Please don`t ask again.

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dean said:
norm said:
peelie said:
ah no that was for the other topic that dean opened oh dear it is a bit confusing!
exactly - so many threads when all that is needed is ONE!

ok where do i get the correct kickstart rom from thanks

coldfis said:
Dean, have you -unzipped- your roms to .adfs?

ok where do i get the correct kickstart rom from thanks

Unzip your -game- roms so that they are .adf not .zip files.
Try that?

No luck? READ the README!!!

Dean, if you're having this much trouble trying to get a fairly simple emulator working, have you wondered, maybe the GP2X is not for you?

My advice, stick to DS or PSP with retail games.

-this concluded my effort to help,
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