Amiga: Uae4allgp2x


Dec 27, 2005
hey everyone just thought i'd right a lil thing bout this couse i spent a good 2-3 hours looking for amiga "roms" and the "kickstart 1.3" witch is a file you need to run uae4allgp2x first of all im not going to link to anywhere couse thats a norty thing.. so ill just help those in need...

ok so first the Amiga dosent run "roms" it runs "ADF" files these are strait copys of the disc's you can fined these easly using google, aslong as you dont search for roms like i stupidly did.

(Kicksatrt 1.3) this is one of a few versions that you can run but this is all you need for the amiga 500 & 600 games... this thing is so hard to fined its a bloody mission.... so i riped it from my amiga witch was also a mission...
After getting this file you will need to change the name to "KICK.ROM" and place it in the folder with the uae4all.gpe..

so for thouse of you that want a heads up contack me
im on soulseek alot so this would be the easyest way to get a hold of me, my user name is "samE" i will help you fined the "kickstart" you need :P

hope this helps a lil.. :)
Thanks, can you help me out with cracking some copies of Windows and maybe a few gigs of MP3s? I'm on a deadline here. Cheerz m8!!!

They're actually referring to the kickstart roms of the Amiga being copyrighted and therefore not legal to really distribute anymore.

Even though you can find it everywhere, with just a simple search in any search engine.

Yes, even Kickstart 1.3, cause they are still making millions off of that right now, honestly. (SARCASTIC MODE OFF!)

If you really want a legal version of the kickstart 1.3 rom, you just have to buy a used Amiga 500 and then download one, or you can order one of the ROM chips, which legally entitles you to the kickstart software embedded on it... ((but keep it in the anti-static bag, so it doesn't erase anyways)) Most of the time, those ROM chips come with disks containing the Workbench disksoriginals and tools. Since you're emulating and NOT using them, you can put them away with your Amiga or Rom chip you bought.

Kickstart 2.04 and 2.05 are a lot more expensive and have a lot more features, but I don't think you can use that version on GP2X UAE4ALL right now.... I'd have to try it, but I've only been trying 1.3 with the ADF's I have.

You can look for a 3.0 or 3.1 ROM chip for sale, but good luck finding any used that still work. You CAN legally buy a broken ROM chip which still entitles you to use the (not working, mind you) kickstart embedded on the chip, even if you slapped it into an actual Amiga, would pretty much make it a brick until you got a working version.

After buying your ROM chip, you can download the romfile from any site with clear conscience and no fear of the nags.