Amiga Fans?how Many People Own Amiga.pandora Emulation Will Be Cool.

A1200 with 68020 28MHz +4Mb Blizzard Expansion, and 512Mb HD... still going strong. Have cloned it onto laptop (WinUAE) and PS3 (EUAE), and if I can clone it fully onto my Pandora, I will wet my pants!
I honestly hope the pandora is able to emulate at least an 020 with 2mb chip ram and at the very least 8mb fast ram. This combined with HDD support will make it a perfect WHDLoad monster.
Dunny said:
You could be right. What rate were the samples in the original Soundtracker made at?


No idea, I'm afraid. As a pure guess I'd say something like 32kHz
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Pleng said:
Dunny said:
You could be right. What rate were the samples in the original Soundtracker made at?


No idea, I'm afraid. As a pure guess I'd say something like 32kHz

Actually it wasn't unheard of to go as low as 8KHz but a lot of stuff was between 11 and 16 KHz. How else do you think Amiga the majority of Amiga mods managed to fit in a couple of hundred K or less including samples (and excluding Chip Tunes ofc ;) ) In fact I believe Jesus On E's used only 6bit samples not 8bit to save even more disk space although I can't find anything to back up my claims atm.
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Just wanted to ask about the Pandora Amiga emulator , will touchscreen work or ever work with future revisions ? i ask as i read another question about scumm vm and touch screen compatibility.Also wondered as i could never get touch to work on my viliv s5 running winxp tho apparently there was an old version of scumm that did support touch, but mainly i had never try'd amiga emulation on a touch screen and don't know if its possible.
paddy it is unlikely that it will work perfectly out of the box, but it will likely be there, and there could potentially be improvements at some point. It might be relative touch rather than absolute for a while ( or forever) though.
I used to love my A1200. I had just got to the point where I'd learned 68k assembly and some of the techniques to make intros and demos. Then it was lost in a house fire.

Off-site backups were never in my mind, at the time. I've always played around with WinUAE and gone some way to set it up similar to how my old A1200 was configured, but it's not the same and I cannot get the motivation to load up DevPac assembler just to play around in an emulator.

I was never much into the games, though I did like Dungeon Master and Deluxe Galaga. My Amiga mostly ran a small BBS (remember those?!) whilst I tried not to crash it with dodgy coding :)
I was using AsmONE (two 64k intros and one, never released to the public, demo) but after 2 years switched to Amos and Blitz BASIC (was too much faster to code funzines). After I started tech univ I wasn't able to get anything to work on miggy, so I decided to sell my A500 and to get PeCe :\ Even I sold all my disks after all. I hope to find my VBS tapes when I will get back to Poland. Mostly I am pissed to loose my demo code - I don't remember if I kept floppies with it or not :(

After nostalgia time (AmiKIT) got real A500 and A1200 two years ago, and found two another A1200 on garage sales :]
I plugged in my A1200 today after not having booted it for nearly 10 years (..and damn do they boot fast!). I then pulled out my nicely boxed original copy of "Shadow Fighter" and after 2 failed load attempts, it finally booted on the third try only for me to be met with:

"Please use the disk wheel and line up the letter L and the number 25, then type in the number...."

...I lost that wheel aeons ago! That's piracy protection for ya :)

So I took out an old coverdisk demo of "Uridium 2". I thought that it would be a nostalgic event and braced myself for a horrible experience.
I was wrong. The game is just so damn fantastic.
I just wanted to give this thread a minor bump, because Back to the Roots came back up a few days ago and I figured it was worth pointing out. Plenty of legally-freely-available stuff there (including Superfrog, which I noticed a lot of people seemed to want to play after it was featured in one of ED's videos), so go and take a look.


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I must admit.. One of the main reasons I am wanting a Pandora is for Amiga emulation. Do you know if the emulator is anymore advanced than the one on the Wiz which is still in Beta?

The Wiz emulator runs fine, and full speed so far as i can tell, but I want AGA support :P

Im watching the Pandora blog and the FPGA Arcade (AGA minimig) thread on with interest.. Then again I might just buy a new Amiga and run OS4.1 Does anyone know if its a lot better than 3.9?

So many options so little cash. . . .