Amiga Emulator By Mr Mirko


Dec 13, 2004
I've seen the demo file in the gp32 file archives and visited Mr Mirko's homepage, as well as porting the Atari ST emulator Hitari to the GP32 he has an Amiga emulator in the works, I'm suprised no one else has posted about this, the file in the archive is some sort of a demonstration file but still, I don't know how he's managing (or if) to do this but it has me excited

*saxaphone music plays, sensually caresses the GP32..*

"I knew you had it in you baby"

*makes wild passionate love to the GP32, lights dim, camera fades....*
Captainbubby posted on Apr 5 2005 at 01:56 AM said:
I've seen the demo file in the gp32 file archives and visited Mr Mirko's homepage, as well as porting the Atari ST emulator Hitari to the GP32 he has an Amiga emulator in the works, I'm suprised no one else has posted about this, the file in the archive is some sort of a demonstration file but still, I don't know how he's managing (or if) to do this but it has me excited

*saxaphone music plays, sensually caresses the GP32..*

"I knew you had it in you baby"

*makes wild passionate love to the GP32, lights dim, camera fades....*

That was an old joke. It was a demo period. Not a demo of an emulator but just a demo coded to look like an Amiga, sorry dude. There is no Amiga emu and there never will be anything that would be playable, so forget it.
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Actually I think its proven to be useful instead..

There are two UAE ports to the Zodiac that are shaping up okay; performance for non-scrolling games is actually acceptible. (Various amiga subsystems are disabled, which speeds it up and cuts off some compatability..)

skeezix posted on Apr 5 2005 at 02:15 AM said:
Actually I think its proven to be useful instead..

There are two UAE ports to the Zodiac that are shaping up okay; performance for non-scrolling games is actually acceptible. (Various amiga subsystems are disabled, which speeds it up and cuts off some compatability..)


But that is Palm not GP32. Plus even those are only running 5-15 FPS with NO sound at all and poor compatibility. And it was said that it was mostly ASM and not likely to get too much faster. That is not too playable really. It is a cool tech demo but not much else. I think it only becomes useful on a 600 Mhz Palm or PPC where the speed is actually decent.

We have your CaSTaway though which runs surprisingly well with sound even though it has no ASM in it. If the cyclone bugs get sorted out it would run perfect speed on the GP32. I would be happy with perfect ST rather than choppy, slow, silent Amiga. That is just me though.
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DaveC posted on Apr 5 2005 at 02:57 AM said:
skeezix posted on Apr 5 2005 at 02:15 AM said:
Actually I think its proven to be useful instead..

There are two UAE ports to the Zodiac that are shaping up okay; performance for non-scrolling games is actually acceptible. (Various amiga subsystems are disabled, which speeds it up and cuts off some compatability..)


But that is Palm not GP32. Plus even those are only running 5-15 FPS with NO sound at all and poor compatibility. And it was said that it was mostly ASM and not likely to get too much faster. That is not too playable really. It is a cool tech demo but not much else. I think it only becomes useful on a 600 Mhz Palm or PPC where the speed is actually decent.

We have your CaSTaway though which runs surprisingly well with sound even though it has no ASM in it. If the cyclone bugs get sorted out it would run perfect speed on the GP32. I would be happy with perfect ST rather than choppy, slow, silent Amiga. That is just me though.
Is your opinion and I don't agree it in general (because the pesimist tone).
I think you know some things are possible to make, but to you it likes to provoque so that they are carried out X-D :-)

I prefer the Skeezix optimistic opinion type, of course :-)

Un Saludo.
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ahhh :(

I've seen about 20 amiga emulator topics since I joined here and now I'm responsible for another bogus one! :unsure:

Sorry to anyone who got excited off this, this was the closest thing to physical evidecne I had seen, though in hindsight, I don't see how an Amiga emulator would have been possible on the gp32 :(
DaveC posted on Apr 5 2005 at 02:57 AM said:
skeezix posted on Apr 5 2005 at 02:15 AM said:
Actually I think its proven to be useful instead..

There are two UAE ports to the Zodiac that are shaping up okay; performance for non-scrolling games is actually acceptible. (Various amiga subsystems are disabled, which speeds it up and cuts off some compatability..)


But that is Palm not GP32. Plus even those are only running 5-15 FPS with NO sound at all and poor compatibility. And it was said that it was mostly ASM and not likely to get too much faster. That is not too playable really. It is a cool tech demo but not much else. I think it only becomes useful on a 600 Mhz Palm or PPC where the speed is actually decent.

We have your CaSTaway though which runs surprisingly well with sound even though it has no ASM in it. If the cyclone bugs get sorted out it would run perfect speed on the GP32. I would be happy with perfect ST rather than choppy, slow, silent Amiga. That is just me though.
still full of shit i see Dave, wheres you spirit of adventure? there are games on platforms that dont need to be full speed to be enjoyed. I sometimes get the feeling that if the FPS were removed from games/EMU's then there would be less whinning about the speed of them.
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Yes but DaveC's motto is to say it cannot be done, its impossible etc. until someone proves him wrong, I'm not sure if he believes it or just does it hoping that someone will indeed prove him wrong.

I've said it before and i'll say it again now, a well programmed Amiga emu written using asm cores in the style of Fellow would produce a playable emulator, with options to disable various bits of amiga hardware lots of games should be playable.

The best thing about the amiga from an emulation point of view was that some of the hardware was so awkward and scary to use a lot of games don't even use it!

I wrote loads of things on it but never went near the weird sprite hardware and collision detection. Did use those 7 screens though :) MMmmm memory hungry.

*g* Nasty but easily defended..

1) voda's UAE port is very young; it is highly compatible on most devices, but its screwy on Zodiac since he doesn't have one; but on my T|T3 its very stable for instance. (I think he needs to sort out multi-SD code perhaps?) Anyway, hes not added many controls to it yet, but it looks very solid. Its UAE so wh not?

2) metaview's port works well on the Zodiac I think, but its also new; both of these emus are only a couple weeks old (metaview's is 1 week, voda's is a few weeks, but hes busy)

Though there is some truth as a few subsystems are disabled to keep memory down and performance up, but quite a bit runs; I fired up Jumpin Jackson the other day, which makes me happy.

UAE is 100% C .. theres no ASM in there yet. If some ASM was added it coudl speed up.

So UAE is doable to *some extent*, though of course not perfect since it really wants more. Scrolling games suffer more since the whole display needs updating (CaSTaway muslces through it okay since less hardware going on), but non-scrolling games do seam okay.

So GP32.. why not? Most GP32's are slower (166cap for most of us), so that'd hurt performance more. But what the heck .. theres some tha should be playable if not all.


Besides, its a GP32 .. you can always voltmod! :)
Remind me in a couple weeks; once I wrap up my main work right now I may have some time to do a quick proof of concept port. Should only be a nghts work for a basic port.

Well if a genesis emulator is not only possible but runs very good an Amiga 500 emulator must be possible... Memory wise Amiga 500 with 512 KB chipmem and 256 KB ROM it's about equal to Genesis memory of the 1 MB ROM...
Graphics wise Genesis has a special GFX processor with very specifik tasks in mind, the Amiga is a bit more general I think...
Then the copper and the blitter could use som ARM asm maybe...

And a Amiga 500 512 MB chipmem can run a lot of games...

But of course if 512 MB "fastmem" could also be emulated it would run even more games...
Captainbubby posted on Apr 5 2005 at 03:58 PM said:
May I take this opportunity to urinate on the Zodiac

*urinates on Zodiac*

Why? I still don't get why we can't get along with Zodiac users. Both machines "fight" for the same audience, but still they shoudn't compete against each other. Both machines would benefit, if the scenes would get closer together and work WITH each other instead of AGAINST. just my 0.0002 x 10² cents
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Horscht posted on Apr 5 2005 at 05:19 PM said:
Captainbubby posted on Apr 5 2005 at 03:58 PM said:
May I take this opportunity to urinate on the Zodiac

*urinates on Zodiac*

Why? I still don't get why we can't get along with Zodiac users. Both machines "fight" for the same audience, but still they shoudn't compete against each other. Both machines would benefit, if the scenes would get closer together and work WITH each other instead of AGAINST. just my 0.0002 x 10² cents

They don't get along because they both compete for the same developers. One example: If there was no Zodiac Yoyo would most likely still be deving for the GP32. The SNES emu would probably be much better right now if there was no Z. The Z hurts GP32 developement by taking away developement. That is reality and the main reason. Just like Nintendo and Sony can't work together as they fight for the same audience too.
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craigix posted on Apr 5 2005 at 10:50 AM said:
Yes but DaveC's motto is to say it cannot be done, its impossible etc. until someone proves him wrong, I'm not sure if he believes it or just does it hoping that someone will indeed prove him wrong.



I say it can not be done because it is just a fact of reality and physics. I say an Xbox, PSP, and PS2 emulator can't be done either. Is that a fact or not, or am I just being pessimistic? Amiga while not as powerful as those others is still to complex for the GP32 to emulate and be playable. Atari-ST is just good enough on GP32, not full speed , but very good and very playable. The Amiga is much more complex so it is just out of reach. You probably need at least 400 MHZ to be playable. I don't consider the Zodiac version playable either, just a tech demo.

Now everyones definition of "playable" may be different. For me playable is not 5-10 FPS with no audio and 10% of the games working. If you consider that "playable" then I guess it could be. To me playable is 18-60 FPS with sound ON. That is just me though.
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I still think an Amiga 500 that is almost 20 years now would be possible to emulate on a GP32 (with "playable" games)... A1200 and up is totally a different matter... but assembler is necessary...

I loved my Amiga... Never had such a loving computer after it ended... almost like a relationship (Hmm... Amiga spanish for girlfriend?)

Workbench, AmigaDOS and AREXX... nostalgia...