Alternative More Full Linux


Still Fresh
Jun 28, 2006
I know there is some people working on a more complete linux alowing the gp2x to act as other things then boring emultor games...

I was wondering how the dev is going? and if you people working on it could give us a hint on what to expect? or even release dates? :P would be cool to be able to install linux on an external usb hd :P

Oh and we should have a gp2x linux dev forum! :P

any news on packet handlers for the gp2x?
what isnt complete? I mean you can grab anything you need, we have qt, x...
Havent come accross anything i couldnt run yet.
i wonder...since were on the topi about linux, think something like DSL could run on the 2x? (since its meant for really low powered comps)
Goemon4 posted on Aug 10 2006 at 07:36 PM said:
i wonder...since were on the topi about linux, think something like DSL could run on the 2x? (since its meant for really low powered comps)

No, as that is made for x86 computers, although Debian for ARM could work with some modifications for the hardware. It would be unnecessary, as what we have currently is a pretty complete distribution, including X. More stuff just needs to be compiled, thats all.
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If there is a DSL distro that is compiled for the arm arch. It might.... but probably not :)

Edit: Beaten to the punch again :(
totally forgot about that (mabey a port of uclinux) i know its been ported tot he ipod...but hten again (now that i think about it) we already have linux on the 2x, why would we need another version of linux?
Mikael posted on Aug 10 2006 at 06:58 PM said:
I know there is some people working on a more complete linux alowing the gp2x to act as other things then boring emultor games...

I was wondering how the dev is going? and if you people working on it could give us a hint on what to expect? or even release dates? :P would be cool to be able to install linux on an external usb hd :P

Oh and we should have a gp2x linux dev forum! :P

any news on packet handlers for the gp2x?
Since when has the stuff on it been boring emulAtor games ?

(it has an A in it !!)
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BSD would definitely be possible, but there really isn't any point. I suppose it'll probably happen sometime, but... why? ;)
debian ARM is one option. there is also Familiar, a custom distro for linux PDAs. and Intimate, a PDA linux distro based on debian. many better options than generic DSL.
One other thing... even if it had your "more complete" linux (whatever that's supposed to mean....) you would still need to recompile apps for it, it wouldn't suddenly start running x86 linux apps, if that's what some of the people here are expecting. I doubt we'll do much better than what we have... the only thing I would do to the current linux is change the busybox utils for the real ones.
Mudi posted on Aug 10 2006 at 11:22 PM said:
BSD would definitely be possible, but there really isn't any point. I suppose it'll probably happen sometime, but... why? ;)

Because then it can work as a standalone lowpower email webserver and you could have a package handler... it would become a more powerful nslung! It would rock!
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we allready have mail and some httpd, through apt/dpkg would be nice, debian arm packages allready work out of the box when decompressed manually.
Vimacs posted on Aug 12 2006 at 07:54 PM said:
we allready have mail and some httpd, through apt/dpkg would be nice, debian arm packages allready work out of the box when decompressed manually.

They do? Wow! Lets hope that someone convert a package handlar then! Hmm and do we have mail? Email server that is, not client?
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