All them tiny Handheld who shall not deserve its own Thread


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Staff member
Oct 24, 2008
Germany,, Saarland, at home
Well, as i got me even thought i allready own a Pyra and an GPD Win Mini an Anbernic RG35XX SP, i though it might be a nice idea to discuss all these Cheap Handheld thingis who are not that popular or where not mainstream like the Steamdeck..

Its a cool small Clamshell ARM Handheld, its just powerfull enough to provide some cool Emulators on the Go, basically the whole 8 - 64 Bit Stuff , and even Dreamcast, PS1 and PSP..
Dont expect too much on PSP, : The most Beat em Ups are Running Fine, JRPGS also, but the whole Range of Racing Games are too slow on this thing.. i also have a few files from Dreamcast and PS1 that where running fine on Pyra and Win Mini that dont work on the Anbernic

But when you are aware on the Hardware Limitations you can have a lot of fun whit an Device that is about the Size and Shape of an GBA SP..
The Anbernic RG35XX SP is a pretty cool little gadget, although I hate the naming (I can never remember it), and they release too many models, which makes them feel a little disposable.
The anbernic SP is shit tier, too hastefully threwn out.
All they wanted to make is a quick buck before miyu releases their SP version.
And they only made it slightly better than the v90 as a "meh, its good enough"
Its quite interessting how different the opinions are on the Anbernic SP, im fine whit this thing, and the last 3 weeks i did not got any hardware issues..
On the first few weeks i did try to pocketcarry it but this way i would have to carry my Wallet in the same pocket as my phone and the E-Book Reader and im more likely to read a book when im in a situation i have to wait than playing some games..

So its now meant to be a lightweight Emu Device for Backpack, par exemple when i have my Garden Chill Events: Unlike the Win Mini who trews the 140 Watts Powerbank in a few Hours, even if you only play Gameboy Games, its quite economic on its Batterie Consumption

Shure you are quite limited on your played games but its feels much more like a "Gameboy" than on an PC Handheld like the Pyra or Win Mini..

Its an Hyped Device, so lots of Tech Chanels are reffering to it, which means also that some of the issues are much more present than on other devices, so i really hope my Exemple will survice a few years ..
What I like is that you can install your own alternative OS on it, and configure it how you see fit. It's also a handy size and form factor. I've no interest in the other models, it's more that I'm against the commercial/disposable mindset of the company.
The anbernic SP is shit tier, too hastefully threwn out.
All they wanted to make is a quick buck before miyu releases their SP version.
And they only made it slightly better than the v90 as a "meh, its good enough"
What's the issue with that?
It feels quite good to me. Better than the other small Anbernics.

Sure, it is lacking analog sticks if what makes Dreamcast, PSP and N64 not optimal to play.
However for all the other systems it feels very good to me.
As a bonus, it doubles down as a super tiny music player.
Well hhg nicknamed it the handgrenade by now.
The point here was its basically a more expensive version of the v90 (which admitely is shitty itself) but it still has a mono speaker and now we lack a replacable battery for only 20 bucks more.
So whats the point?
Consumers see there is an USBC Port for Charging, and are using there USBC Cables for Charging, they dont usually know that you can overcharge these Devices..
I have mine charged whit an USBA to USBC Cable, so its only get USBA Current..
The Batterie would swell if you Charge whit much more Current it can take..

Maybe a solution where to just use an Micro USB Connector for Charging..