Theres no way of telling whether or not there will be faults in something before its made, but the firmware will most likely be upgradeable.mrsnature said:will there be any faults with the first 3000? will there be ways of improving the firmware?
Nonis said:Theres no way of telling whether or not there will be faults in something before its made, but the firmware will most likely be upgradeable.mrsnature said:will there be any faults with the first 3000? will there be ways of improving the firmware?
Sorry, i was being sarcastic :rolleyes: to highlight the pointlessness of the original post, but i guess I failed!
Oh, and i meant "will we find aspects of the firmware that would benifit from being updated?", not "will there be a method of updating the firmware"
Thats good too know but it does have a British is Best sticker slapped on the bottom right?craigix said:and even if there was a fault we would replace any effected units.
Sounds like a bigger problem. USB Host is a important feature and I can imagine it needs time to fix it. Maybe a new chip has to be designed to solve this Problem? Can take months to test, produce and ship it, I really hope it is not such a big delay for the Pandora launch. ^^"MWeston said:Anyone who has been following the Beagleboard progress will know that the USB phy chip has issues and is likely going to need a new rev in silicon. Any TI customer using the OMAP chip for its built in host capabilities is waiting for a solution because the OMAP uses a non-standard clocking scheme to drive the phy that only one or two companies is trying to support at this time. As usual these parts are covered by NDA for a while so I can't say too much more than is public with the Beagle.
It would be silly to delay dev units just because of this, so no.Firefox said:Will this delay the dev units going out?
As Craig has already stated, faulty units will be replaced free of charge. Meaning everyone will have working Wifi and USB Host.Tinnus said:Something worries me. So the dev units will ship without WiFi module, and (more worrying) with a bad USB-Host-chip-thing. Will the units be replaced later or will the dev unit owners end up with worse hardware in the end?