After Burner.... GP32.. Read


May 15, 2003
A company used to make external afterburner kits for the GBA. Its the same setup as a afterburner but the screen just sat infront of the case.. so no neat to open it....

Any idea if this would work with a GP32..?

Also does the FLU GP32 wash out the colours on the screen like a GBA afterburner used to..?


FLU washes out colors on my screen a bit, yes


washed out colors are better than a $()@#$ screen I can't see!!!
Look closer... all frontlights wash out colours a bit, GBA SP, FLU, AB mods. No light can be clear.
my experience.

flu on: Oh, nice colors!
flu off: hmm... were is everything gone?

so maybe (or probably) it washes out the colors but:
ralp99 said:
washed out colors are better than a $()@#$ screen I can't see!!!
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Comparing the GP32 NON-flu with the FLU unit with the light off isn't a fair comparison. The system used with a frontlight is actually a series of very thin reeflective bands across a membrane in front of the screen. when this is illumiated from the edge, it reflects the light down onto the screen. The thin bands DO result in the display being a little more 'washed out' than on a non-FLU gp32 (and before anyone argues - I have both - I know! :P), but the resulting gain in visibility is more than worth it.

Thing is, when you switch a FLU unit light off, the display is darker and less contrasting than on a non-flu, again becasue of the membrane with the thin lines. SO! Both are great, but get the flu if you can!
