AdvanceMESS GameGear emulation issue


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
Is anyone able to run GameGear games with AdvMESS ?

Because I'm becoming crazy with this thing and I can't find info...

advmess.exe gamegear -cart "c:\MESS\gamegear\GG Shinobi (E) [!].zip"


advmess.exe gamegear -cart "c:\MESS\gamegear\GG Shinobi (E) [!].gg"

The emu starts with the normal starting legal info / cart info / emu info, and then stays black... until I press ESC...

I tried many games, and everyone does the same... no errors, no sounds, just a black screen...

I'm using AdvMESS 1.4 on Windows, the gamegear BIOS should be fine, because AdvanceSCAN has validated it, but just in case I tried also to substitute it, with the same effect...

The other BIOSes gives no issues, for example all the SMS games are working fine...

Do you have some ideas about what can be the issue ? Or maybe a confirmation that GG doesn't work with this emu ?

EDIT: by the way, I also tried to launch GG games with the SMS BIOS but it reports a failure... as expected...

EDIT: with MESS 161b works... then could be an AdvMESS issue ?! I find no one that's complaining about this, strange

EDIT: I'm searching for MESS 0.106 to try it out, but I can't find it anywhere... the oldest version on the official site is the 0148 O_O
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but I can find MAME 0.106 from the official site, it is not called xmame, but there's no MESS around :(
I also eMuled/Torrented/Nutelled... but seems disappeared from the world...

I had a look at this:
so I tried to launch the game with this parameter from AdvMESS:
"-bios 0" or "-bios none" = No BIOS

"-bios 1" or "-bios majesco" = Majesco BIOS

It didn't complained, but still black screen...
xmess is included in xmame 0.106 sources if I remember right.
Maybe also in mame4all ?

--EDIT : checked mame4all, mess isn't included.
Found xmame 0.106... but it's only for Linux... I can't use it :(
Maybe I'll try to compile it with Cygwin, but I already failed before, trying the same with AdvMESS...
Ah sry, didn't noticed you wanted a .exe .
Isn't there other GG emus for m$ ?
Yes, but AdvMESS is multiplatform and has a license more open than MESS, just for that...

Because MESS works for GG
unknown command

EDIT: the thing that I really can't stand is that in the xml generated by AdvMESS itself, the GameGear is reported like this:

<driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="32"/>

EDIT: with "-log" it created a file with everything !! but it's too long, I'll have a look tomorrow
(it's a 187 MB log !!! O_O)
[doublepost=1473374503,1473371125][/doublepost]Maybe I found something... while the emu was running, I saved the configuration for the game, then when I tried to launch it again it suddenly gave me an error telling that the video mode wasn't right.

So, somehow when the game starts it tries some video modes, and for some reason it remains locked with that last one... now I'll just have to play with the configuration file to put another one by myself...