This has essentially been superseded by the Extend Utils system.
That said, this still has it's own little benefits - if your SD card is FAT32 formatted and you require "partitions" greater than 4GB, then other than daisy-chaining your Overlays, the Extend Utils can't really help.
This was the original idea too, and probably worth a read at least once to see where the Extend Utils stuff came from.
Extend Utils Wiki Documentation is available here:
Another wall of text coming up, in the same style as the other one, where I type it up as I do it.
This time, I'm sacrificing a 2GB SD Card to augment the file system so that I can fiddle about as much as I like, and all files get saved to my SD rather than the NAND.
Disclaimer: we're doing some very scary things here.. although I didn't break my Pandora while doing this, it is possible if you mess up the commands.. so you have been warned!
You may be wondering why is that a good idea? Well, if you've gone through the other guide I posted, you'll notice that when we converted GIMP to a PND, it originally tried spitting files everywhere. My somewhat insane goal is to take as much load off of the NAND as I can possibly get away with, especially seeing as decent sized SD cards are fairly cheap these days, so if one of them dies, I just replace it! That, and if we re-direct all writes to our SD card, we'll have a better idea of just what it IS installing, and where it's sticking temporary files and so on.. so we can catch it and tie it up!
This will also be done entirely on the Pandora, so no need to worry if you don't have a Linux PC handy. ( In fact, after performing this, you'll be able to run through the other guide, substituting the Pandora for the Linux PC )
First thing's first, we need an SD card. As said, I'm sacrificing a bog standard SanDisk 2GB SD Card, but you can use any size and type you like. Essentially it depends greatly on what you'll be using your Pandora for, as this will become your "hard drive" for want of a better description. Feel free to use as much as you need, though I'd recommend at least 512MB
Ensure anything you need is backed up off this card, as we're about to format it! It'd also be wise to wipe it anyway, so we can find it in the mount list, especially if you're going to keep your other card in as well, however, if you're paranoid at this point, it may be wise to ensure this is the only card in the Pandora.
For guide purposes, I shall assume you've put it in the right slot ( next to the volume wheel. )
When we put the card in, the system will helpfully auto mount it for us, as we see it's icon appear on the desktop. We don't appear to have direct permissions to unmount the volume ( IE: you can't right click it, and select unmount volume ) so we have to get dirty with the Terminal, so go and open it.
If you type "df" and hit return, you'll get a list of all your mounts, where they are, and how much space is used.
In my case, I can see that root "/" is 72% full, and I've avoided writing to the NAND like the plague!
Either way, what we're looking for is our SD card.. in my case, it's at the bottom - /dev/mmcblk1p1 with 0% being used, and mounted on /media/mmcblk1p1. If you're going to be using the left slot ( next to the headphone socket ) it would be mmcblk0p1 instead.
Let's unmount the bugger: "sudo umount /dev/mmcblk1p1" you'll be asked for your password as usual, and that should be that. Run "df" again just to be sure, and it should be off the list.
Now the fun bit!
We're going to repartition the card to contain an EXT2 partition, rather than a FAT32 partition ( or FAT16 in my case as I'm using an old SD Card. )
This can be very dangerous if you get the device wrong... so pay attention to what you type!
Looking back at our mount point, we had "mmcblk1p1" .. what does this mean? Well, the mmcblk1 part means it's the second MMC ( multimedia card ) block device ( IE: it's our right slot.. most programmatic things start counting from 0, rather than 1.. you get used to it! It then becomes quite jarring when some API or language starts counting at 1 instead of 0 *twitch* ) and the p1 means it's partition 1. We want to repartition the whole card, so we drop off the p1 part, and as we're fiddling with the device itself, our path is /dev/mmcblk1.
Let's sacrifice our SD to the Pandora gods: "sudo cfdisk /dev/mmcblk1"
As this has been formatted on a Windows machine, it's a bit mental in that it's got 0.07MB free space, and a single partition that covers the rest of the 2GB. Why Windows is so determined to keep space for it's own nefarious purposes, when all other systems lets you use the entire lot, who knows. Anyway, press down to select the partition, then press right to move the selection box at the bottom of the screen to highlight [ Delete ] and press return.
We can now do two things here... we can create a single Linux partition to save our NAND, or... we can create the Linux partition and some swap space, to give us a little bit of extra memory when we need it. This is probably only useful for "power users" that will be developing on the machine, writing up insanely large documents, or porting bigger software over to tighten up it's memory - I've noticed that FreeCIV has died on me a few times as it's blown the memory with huge amounts of units running about, so it could do with some fiddling.
Either way, the instructions are pretty much the same.
Back to the task at hand, highlight [ New ] and press return. Select [ Primary ]. Give it a size ( by default it selects your entire card, so you can just hit return here unless you're wanting some swap space, or are up to other things. ) And you'll see a new partition in the list, with the FS Type of Linux.
If you want swap, and you've left some space for it, press down to select the free space, then select [ New ]. Again we want it to be Primary. And we probably want it to fill up the rest of the card, but if you're being fancy, set your size here. We then need to change it's type, so ensure that the second partition is highlighted above, and press right until you select [ Type ]. Now, don't panic! You'll get a massive list of codes for partition types which cfdisk supports, and a press a key to continue message. Press a key, and you'll get some more! Do it again, and even more! However, it doesn't matter as it's default setting at the end, is file system 82. Which, from the list you've probably read and noted down in panic, is Linux Swap. So we can just let it have it's default and hit return.
Back at the partition screen, we should have our two partitions - Linux and Linux Swap. We're done fiddling, so press left and watch as the highlight box wraps around and select [ Write ]. You'll be asked to confirm this by literally typing in "yes" though I only see the "y" for some reason on my terminal. Either way, it'll write to the card, and then complain that DOS cannot boot this.. poor DOS. Select [ Quit ] as we're done here.
That wasn't that scary, was it?
Now, although we've repartitioned the card, we haven't formatted it to the new file system. Again, pay attention to what you type here!
Whether you've created swap or not, your first partition should be formatted as EXT2, so we type: "sudo mke2fs /dev/mmcblk1p1" to format the first partition on the card in the RIGHT SLOT ( I'm stressing this to ensure you don't accidentally format the one in the left slot if you've still got it in. )
If you've made some swap space, we need to format that as well: "sudo mkswap /dev/mmcblk1p2" and we may as well activate it just now to test: "sudo swapon /dev/mmcblk1p2". You can check whether this has worked or not by using the handy dandy program known as "top". It'll tell you, amongst other things, how much memory you're using, and how much swap space you have. It'll also give some stats like up time, how many processes are running, the load average, if there are any zombified tasks, and what processes are currently actively doing stuff. Anyway, if our swap space is active and fine, all is good, so we just need to press Q and quit. Turn the swap off just now, as we'll be needing to eject the card soon: "sudo swapoff /dev/mmcblk1p2" and again, you can check this via "top" if you like.
We now have an EXT2 formatted SD card ( with possible swap. ) Now, we need to have a closer look at the file system, and create our links!
We want to offload stuff direct from root over to the SD card, so let's get to root first "cd /" and see what we have "ls" - bin dev home linuxrc mnt proc sys usr boot etc lib media pandora sbin tmp var - so a few things. Some of these we can safely ignore. What we're interested in, are the following - bin home usr etc lib sbin - Why? What do these actually do?
The bin folder essentially contains user-runnable system software. Stuff like df, mknod, tar, touch, more, mv, cp, echo, etc.. system commands which are quite important, but can be ran by your bog-standard user account.
The boot folder contains our kernel. Fiddling with this is a topic for another day!
The dev folder contains all our devices. We've already been modifying our SD card through here! Essentially, Linux stores devices as special files, so you can effectively treat a device as a file, and perform most file related stuff on them... if you're really insane, you could, for example, cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp ... to get some random noise out the speakers.. why? why not?! I wouldn't recommend actually doing this, however
The etc folder generally contains system-wide configuration stuff. If you've gone through my other guide, you'll know that GIMP tries to store it's initial configuration files here, so that it can install itself afresh for every user.
The home folder is where all your user accounts live. You get a folder here to do as you please in. All your specific configuration and owned files end up here. It is, as per namesake, your home on the Pandora. It's also something we definitely want to move over to SD.
The lib folder contains all system libraries that are needed for your Pandora to operate, including kernel modules.
linuxrc isn't a folder, it's a symbolic link to busybox and gives you most of your standard Linux commands ( ls, for example.. in fact, type "ls -l" and you'll see what linuxrc really is! )
The media folder is where your pluggable devices get automatically mounted for you Generally, these are user mounts.
The mnt folder is effectively used for system mounts - like the PND you've just ran.
The pandora folder acts exactly the same as the pandora folder on your SD card - except this stores configuration for any PNDs that you've ran from NAND and any other system specific appdata. We actually want to leave this on the NAND, as it stores some critical things that should we have a hotfix, we want to keep regardless of whether we use our augmented SD or not.
The proc folder is crazy. If you've done "ls -l" you'll see that it was apparently created the 1st January 1970. This is generally because the proc file system is generated on boot ( before the time has actually come into effect ), and like the dev folder, contains special files generated from devices and so on. "less /proc/cpuinfo" will give you some information on the CPU for instance. ( If you haven't used less before, press Q to quit )
The sbin folder holds system specific binaries meant to be run by the system or root. We've already used some from here when creating our file systems, but it also includes other nifty tools like fsck, for checking file systems, and the cfdisk utility we used to repartition.
The sys folder is also crazy and was created on system boot. Essentially, this is like dev, in that it's special files to devices, but organised in a slightly more meaningful manner than being randomly thrown into /dev somewhere.
tmp isn't a folder either! it's another symbolic link, this time curiously enough, to /var/tmp
The usr folder contains all system-wide user specific bits and pieces - including binaries, libraries, documentation, shared files amongst programs, source code, etc.. another prime candidate for moving over to SD!
Finally, there's var, which is a bit of an oddball as it contains various bits and pieces itself. Log files are stored here, your real actual temp folder is stored here, along with various caches and lock files ( for example: opkg will lock itself so that only one process can be adding/removing stuff at one time.. obviously a good idea so things don't conflict! ) This we should leave on the NAND, as there are a few things that get stored in tmp as AUFS files to be remounted ( the PNDs for instance ) and we'd also probably want to keep logs here just incase something hideously breaks.
So, as said, we want "bin home usr etc lib sbin" to be augmented by our SD card. We can do this by the wonders of AUFS, which is a funky file system driver which allows merging of folders as one, and allows to set one as read-only ( our NAND version ) and another as read-write ( our SD version ) and redirect calls as appropriate. Let's mount the card again, and create some stuff!
Quickest and easiest way to remount the card, is to just eject it and put it back in again. It'll show up on your desktop mounted, and you can browse it like normal. It is just a normal SD card, it's just this one will be a bit more specific to your Pandora.
In our terminal, we need to change to our card: "cd /media/mmcblk1p1" and create a bunch of folders: "sudo mkdir bin home usr etc lib sbin".
You may wonder why we did a sudo to do that.. the file system has been mounted in a way that you don't actually have rights yet.. we actually want it this way, save for the folders we augment!
Speaking of which, let's do exactly that just now.
For a test, let's go to our home folder by just typing "cd" and hitting return. Let's create a folder: "mkdir test" and do the same on our card: "sudo mkdir /media/mmcblk1p1/test" Of course, we need to give ourselves permissions here as well: "sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /media/mmcblk1p1/test" obviously replacing yourusername with your actual username! Now, let's touch a file in test on our NAND: "touch test/iamatestfile" this'll create an empty file. You can check it with "less test/iamatestfile" to make sure.
Time to perform some magic: "sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/test=rw:~/test=ro aufs ~/test"
What's this done? We've mounted our test folder in home as read-only, with the test folder on our card as read-write, and mounted this directly to our test folder in home. How can we test this? Let's fill our test file with some stuff: "nano test/iamatestfile" type some stuff, whatever you like, then press CTRL+X to quit. You'll be prompted to save (y) and the file name ( just hit return. ) Notice the SD activity light? "less test/iamatestfile" and you should see what you put in. In fact, "less /media/mmcblk1p1/test/iamatestfile" should show the same!
Now the final proof.. create another file "touch test/anothertestfile" and you should see the SD activity light flicker. "less test/anothertestfile" and it's empty as we expect. Finally: "sudo umount test" will undone our binding... let's see what's left: "ls test"
You should only see iamatestfile ( which we originally stuck on NAND to begin with ) our other file anothertestfile isn't there! But we modified iamatestfile didn't we? "less test/iamatestfile" not on the NAND we didn't! "less /media/mmcblk1p1/test/iamatestfile" there it is! "ls /media/mmcblk1p1/test" there's the other file as well! Magic
With our test completed successfully, let's go and push the entire home folder over! But first, "cd /" so we don't cause any issues by being inside the home folder while we do this.
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/home=rw:/home=ro aufs /home"
All writes to our home folder will now redirect to our SD Only the changes will be saved to SD, everything we had on NAND originally will stay as it currently is.
While we're here, might as well do the other folders!
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/bin=rw:/bin=ro aufs /bin"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/etc=rw:/etc=ro aufs /etc"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/lib=rw:/lib=ro aufs /lib"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/sbin=rw:/sbin=ro aufs /sbin"
You may have noticed I've missed off usr. There's a reason for that! Inside usr there's a pandora folder, which contains system specific pandora PNDs and scripts. As fancy as AUFS is, it's not too keen on mounting within mounts - which as PND files essentially get mounted via the very same system we're abusing here; it causes issues. ( NOTE: I didn't realise this till I blindly mounted all of usr, so I've gone back to edit this before posting the topic, to save everyone the hassle! Those using my Simple Dev PND from Torpor's thread will have this issue.. try using the AUFS enabled version, and running one of the Pandora system apps - the overclocker or the nub manager for instance. It won't run, and if you call "dmesg" in a terminal, you'll see it's having issues mounting it. Oops. I'll fix this shortly. )
So, we need to head over to our SD card's usr folder: "cd /media/mmcblk1p1/usr" and create some more folders: "sudo mkdir arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi bin etc games include lib libexec sbin share src" ( everything in /usr apart from pandora )
We now need to mount these separately.
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi=rw:/usr/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi=ro aufs /usr/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/bin=rw:/usr/bin=ro aufs /usr/bin"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/etc=rw:/usr/etc=ro aufs /usr/etc"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/games=rw:/usr/games=ro aufs /usr/games"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/include=rw:/usr/include=ro aufs /usr/include"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/lib=rw:/usr/lib=ro aufs /usr/lib"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/libexec=rw:/usr/libexec=ro aufs /usr/libexec"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/sbin=rw:/usr/sbin=ro aufs /usr/sbin"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/share=rw:/usr/share=ro aufs /usr/share"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/src=rw:/usr/src=ro aufs /usr/src"
Hideous, isn't it? Oh well, you can now perform installs from the Angstrom repositories without any issue, and it'll get dumped onto your SD card rather than your NAND
However, we have some caveats here.
You absolutely cannot remove that SD card while you've linked everything up, else bad things will happen. You may have noticed your SD activity light flash now and then already, this is because background operations are happening all the time - your command history is being logged, for example.
However, you cannot unmount these binds... well, you can unmount some, but not all - bin is one of the key ones which it won't allow you to unmount.
As such, the only way in which to remove the binds, is to reboot, much like the AUFS hack that my Simple Dev PND does ( see Torpor's thread for it )
Also, it's not exactly friendly to do, is it? and every time you reboot, you're going to have to go through the binding again! This can be fixed by creating a little PND or a script that does it for you, though.
Another possible issue, is that you're installing stuff to your SD, so it won't be available on boot until you bind everything up.
Finally, speed.. it does slow down the system ever so slightly depending on how fast your SD card is ( mine isn't terribly fast, it's just a standard SD, not SDHC, so doesn't have all the fancy speed ups of modern cards. It's probably made worse in that it's a microSD through an SD adapter! ) as all writes are being redirected.. however, depending on what you're doing, you probably wont mind, and as it remounts your PND locally anyway, it's not like your games or emulators will be affected unless they touch the root file system
We possibly could've taken bits of var over as well, like we did with usr.. however it's somewhat tedious to mount, test, something didn't like that so reboot, rebind, test, etc... so I shall leave that as an exercise for someone else to see what else we can push over.
And that's that! you now have the ability to essentially install whatever you like, and it'll get dumped to your SD card. If you screw up, just reboot, and as your binds don't happen automatically, you're back at your default NAND setup So you can just wipe the SD card and start again!
Essentially, this is a sneaky way of having another firmware image on SD, but with the added bonus of all your "default settings" on NAND being pulled over automatically, rather than being a completely separate firmware.
I'll post this over to the PandoraWiki once there's been some proof reads, hopefully it's useful to someone!
This has essentially been superseded by the Extend Utils system.
That said, this still has it's own little benefits - if your SD card is FAT32 formatted and you require "partitions" greater than 4GB, then other than daisy-chaining your Overlays, the Extend Utils can't really help.
This was the original idea too, and probably worth a read at least once to see where the Extend Utils stuff came from.
Extend Utils Wiki Documentation is available here:
Another wall of text coming up, in the same style as the other one, where I type it up as I do it.
This time, I'm sacrificing a 2GB SD Card to augment the file system so that I can fiddle about as much as I like, and all files get saved to my SD rather than the NAND.
Disclaimer: we're doing some very scary things here.. although I didn't break my Pandora while doing this, it is possible if you mess up the commands.. so you have been warned!
You may be wondering why is that a good idea? Well, if you've gone through the other guide I posted, you'll notice that when we converted GIMP to a PND, it originally tried spitting files everywhere. My somewhat insane goal is to take as much load off of the NAND as I can possibly get away with, especially seeing as decent sized SD cards are fairly cheap these days, so if one of them dies, I just replace it! That, and if we re-direct all writes to our SD card, we'll have a better idea of just what it IS installing, and where it's sticking temporary files and so on.. so we can catch it and tie it up!
This will also be done entirely on the Pandora, so no need to worry if you don't have a Linux PC handy. ( In fact, after performing this, you'll be able to run through the other guide, substituting the Pandora for the Linux PC )
First thing's first, we need an SD card. As said, I'm sacrificing a bog standard SanDisk 2GB SD Card, but you can use any size and type you like. Essentially it depends greatly on what you'll be using your Pandora for, as this will become your "hard drive" for want of a better description. Feel free to use as much as you need, though I'd recommend at least 512MB
Ensure anything you need is backed up off this card, as we're about to format it! It'd also be wise to wipe it anyway, so we can find it in the mount list, especially if you're going to keep your other card in as well, however, if you're paranoid at this point, it may be wise to ensure this is the only card in the Pandora.
For guide purposes, I shall assume you've put it in the right slot ( next to the volume wheel. )
When we put the card in, the system will helpfully auto mount it for us, as we see it's icon appear on the desktop. We don't appear to have direct permissions to unmount the volume ( IE: you can't right click it, and select unmount volume ) so we have to get dirty with the Terminal, so go and open it.
If you type "df" and hit return, you'll get a list of all your mounts, where they are, and how much space is used.
In my case, I can see that root "/" is 72% full, and I've avoided writing to the NAND like the plague!
Either way, what we're looking for is our SD card.. in my case, it's at the bottom - /dev/mmcblk1p1 with 0% being used, and mounted on /media/mmcblk1p1. If you're going to be using the left slot ( next to the headphone socket ) it would be mmcblk0p1 instead.
Let's unmount the bugger: "sudo umount /dev/mmcblk1p1" you'll be asked for your password as usual, and that should be that. Run "df" again just to be sure, and it should be off the list.
Now the fun bit!
We're going to repartition the card to contain an EXT2 partition, rather than a FAT32 partition ( or FAT16 in my case as I'm using an old SD Card. )
This can be very dangerous if you get the device wrong... so pay attention to what you type!
Looking back at our mount point, we had "mmcblk1p1" .. what does this mean? Well, the mmcblk1 part means it's the second MMC ( multimedia card ) block device ( IE: it's our right slot.. most programmatic things start counting from 0, rather than 1.. you get used to it! It then becomes quite jarring when some API or language starts counting at 1 instead of 0 *twitch* ) and the p1 means it's partition 1. We want to repartition the whole card, so we drop off the p1 part, and as we're fiddling with the device itself, our path is /dev/mmcblk1.
Let's sacrifice our SD to the Pandora gods: "sudo cfdisk /dev/mmcblk1"
As this has been formatted on a Windows machine, it's a bit mental in that it's got 0.07MB free space, and a single partition that covers the rest of the 2GB. Why Windows is so determined to keep space for it's own nefarious purposes, when all other systems lets you use the entire lot, who knows. Anyway, press down to select the partition, then press right to move the selection box at the bottom of the screen to highlight [ Delete ] and press return.
We can now do two things here... we can create a single Linux partition to save our NAND, or... we can create the Linux partition and some swap space, to give us a little bit of extra memory when we need it. This is probably only useful for "power users" that will be developing on the machine, writing up insanely large documents, or porting bigger software over to tighten up it's memory - I've noticed that FreeCIV has died on me a few times as it's blown the memory with huge amounts of units running about, so it could do with some fiddling.
Either way, the instructions are pretty much the same.
Back to the task at hand, highlight [ New ] and press return. Select [ Primary ]. Give it a size ( by default it selects your entire card, so you can just hit return here unless you're wanting some swap space, or are up to other things. ) And you'll see a new partition in the list, with the FS Type of Linux.
If you want swap, and you've left some space for it, press down to select the free space, then select [ New ]. Again we want it to be Primary. And we probably want it to fill up the rest of the card, but if you're being fancy, set your size here. We then need to change it's type, so ensure that the second partition is highlighted above, and press right until you select [ Type ]. Now, don't panic! You'll get a massive list of codes for partition types which cfdisk supports, and a press a key to continue message. Press a key, and you'll get some more! Do it again, and even more! However, it doesn't matter as it's default setting at the end, is file system 82. Which, from the list you've probably read and noted down in panic, is Linux Swap. So we can just let it have it's default and hit return.
Back at the partition screen, we should have our two partitions - Linux and Linux Swap. We're done fiddling, so press left and watch as the highlight box wraps around and select [ Write ]. You'll be asked to confirm this by literally typing in "yes" though I only see the "y" for some reason on my terminal. Either way, it'll write to the card, and then complain that DOS cannot boot this.. poor DOS. Select [ Quit ] as we're done here.
That wasn't that scary, was it?
Now, although we've repartitioned the card, we haven't formatted it to the new file system. Again, pay attention to what you type here!
Whether you've created swap or not, your first partition should be formatted as EXT2, so we type: "sudo mke2fs /dev/mmcblk1p1" to format the first partition on the card in the RIGHT SLOT ( I'm stressing this to ensure you don't accidentally format the one in the left slot if you've still got it in. )
If you've made some swap space, we need to format that as well: "sudo mkswap /dev/mmcblk1p2" and we may as well activate it just now to test: "sudo swapon /dev/mmcblk1p2". You can check whether this has worked or not by using the handy dandy program known as "top". It'll tell you, amongst other things, how much memory you're using, and how much swap space you have. It'll also give some stats like up time, how many processes are running, the load average, if there are any zombified tasks, and what processes are currently actively doing stuff. Anyway, if our swap space is active and fine, all is good, so we just need to press Q and quit. Turn the swap off just now, as we'll be needing to eject the card soon: "sudo swapoff /dev/mmcblk1p2" and again, you can check this via "top" if you like.
We now have an EXT2 formatted SD card ( with possible swap. ) Now, we need to have a closer look at the file system, and create our links!
We want to offload stuff direct from root over to the SD card, so let's get to root first "cd /" and see what we have "ls" - bin dev home linuxrc mnt proc sys usr boot etc lib media pandora sbin tmp var - so a few things. Some of these we can safely ignore. What we're interested in, are the following - bin home usr etc lib sbin - Why? What do these actually do?
The bin folder essentially contains user-runnable system software. Stuff like df, mknod, tar, touch, more, mv, cp, echo, etc.. system commands which are quite important, but can be ran by your bog-standard user account.
The boot folder contains our kernel. Fiddling with this is a topic for another day!
The dev folder contains all our devices. We've already been modifying our SD card through here! Essentially, Linux stores devices as special files, so you can effectively treat a device as a file, and perform most file related stuff on them... if you're really insane, you could, for example, cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp ... to get some random noise out the speakers.. why? why not?! I wouldn't recommend actually doing this, however
The etc folder generally contains system-wide configuration stuff. If you've gone through my other guide, you'll know that GIMP tries to store it's initial configuration files here, so that it can install itself afresh for every user.
The home folder is where all your user accounts live. You get a folder here to do as you please in. All your specific configuration and owned files end up here. It is, as per namesake, your home on the Pandora. It's also something we definitely want to move over to SD.
The lib folder contains all system libraries that are needed for your Pandora to operate, including kernel modules.
linuxrc isn't a folder, it's a symbolic link to busybox and gives you most of your standard Linux commands ( ls, for example.. in fact, type "ls -l" and you'll see what linuxrc really is! )
The media folder is where your pluggable devices get automatically mounted for you Generally, these are user mounts.
The mnt folder is effectively used for system mounts - like the PND you've just ran.
The pandora folder acts exactly the same as the pandora folder on your SD card - except this stores configuration for any PNDs that you've ran from NAND and any other system specific appdata. We actually want to leave this on the NAND, as it stores some critical things that should we have a hotfix, we want to keep regardless of whether we use our augmented SD or not.
The proc folder is crazy. If you've done "ls -l" you'll see that it was apparently created the 1st January 1970. This is generally because the proc file system is generated on boot ( before the time has actually come into effect ), and like the dev folder, contains special files generated from devices and so on. "less /proc/cpuinfo" will give you some information on the CPU for instance. ( If you haven't used less before, press Q to quit )
The sbin folder holds system specific binaries meant to be run by the system or root. We've already used some from here when creating our file systems, but it also includes other nifty tools like fsck, for checking file systems, and the cfdisk utility we used to repartition.
The sys folder is also crazy and was created on system boot. Essentially, this is like dev, in that it's special files to devices, but organised in a slightly more meaningful manner than being randomly thrown into /dev somewhere.
tmp isn't a folder either! it's another symbolic link, this time curiously enough, to /var/tmp
The usr folder contains all system-wide user specific bits and pieces - including binaries, libraries, documentation, shared files amongst programs, source code, etc.. another prime candidate for moving over to SD!
Finally, there's var, which is a bit of an oddball as it contains various bits and pieces itself. Log files are stored here, your real actual temp folder is stored here, along with various caches and lock files ( for example: opkg will lock itself so that only one process can be adding/removing stuff at one time.. obviously a good idea so things don't conflict! ) This we should leave on the NAND, as there are a few things that get stored in tmp as AUFS files to be remounted ( the PNDs for instance ) and we'd also probably want to keep logs here just incase something hideously breaks.
So, as said, we want "bin home usr etc lib sbin" to be augmented by our SD card. We can do this by the wonders of AUFS, which is a funky file system driver which allows merging of folders as one, and allows to set one as read-only ( our NAND version ) and another as read-write ( our SD version ) and redirect calls as appropriate. Let's mount the card again, and create some stuff!
Quickest and easiest way to remount the card, is to just eject it and put it back in again. It'll show up on your desktop mounted, and you can browse it like normal. It is just a normal SD card, it's just this one will be a bit more specific to your Pandora.
In our terminal, we need to change to our card: "cd /media/mmcblk1p1" and create a bunch of folders: "sudo mkdir bin home usr etc lib sbin".
You may wonder why we did a sudo to do that.. the file system has been mounted in a way that you don't actually have rights yet.. we actually want it this way, save for the folders we augment!
Speaking of which, let's do exactly that just now.
For a test, let's go to our home folder by just typing "cd" and hitting return. Let's create a folder: "mkdir test" and do the same on our card: "sudo mkdir /media/mmcblk1p1/test" Of course, we need to give ourselves permissions here as well: "sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /media/mmcblk1p1/test" obviously replacing yourusername with your actual username! Now, let's touch a file in test on our NAND: "touch test/iamatestfile" this'll create an empty file. You can check it with "less test/iamatestfile" to make sure.
Time to perform some magic: "sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/test=rw:~/test=ro aufs ~/test"
What's this done? We've mounted our test folder in home as read-only, with the test folder on our card as read-write, and mounted this directly to our test folder in home. How can we test this? Let's fill our test file with some stuff: "nano test/iamatestfile" type some stuff, whatever you like, then press CTRL+X to quit. You'll be prompted to save (y) and the file name ( just hit return. ) Notice the SD activity light? "less test/iamatestfile" and you should see what you put in. In fact, "less /media/mmcblk1p1/test/iamatestfile" should show the same!
Now the final proof.. create another file "touch test/anothertestfile" and you should see the SD activity light flicker. "less test/anothertestfile" and it's empty as we expect. Finally: "sudo umount test" will undone our binding... let's see what's left: "ls test"
You should only see iamatestfile ( which we originally stuck on NAND to begin with ) our other file anothertestfile isn't there! But we modified iamatestfile didn't we? "less test/iamatestfile" not on the NAND we didn't! "less /media/mmcblk1p1/test/iamatestfile" there it is! "ls /media/mmcblk1p1/test" there's the other file as well! Magic
With our test completed successfully, let's go and push the entire home folder over! But first, "cd /" so we don't cause any issues by being inside the home folder while we do this.
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/home=rw:/home=ro aufs /home"
All writes to our home folder will now redirect to our SD Only the changes will be saved to SD, everything we had on NAND originally will stay as it currently is.
While we're here, might as well do the other folders!
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/bin=rw:/bin=ro aufs /bin"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/etc=rw:/etc=ro aufs /etc"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/lib=rw:/lib=ro aufs /lib"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/sbin=rw:/sbin=ro aufs /sbin"
You may have noticed I've missed off usr. There's a reason for that! Inside usr there's a pandora folder, which contains system specific pandora PNDs and scripts. As fancy as AUFS is, it's not too keen on mounting within mounts - which as PND files essentially get mounted via the very same system we're abusing here; it causes issues. ( NOTE: I didn't realise this till I blindly mounted all of usr, so I've gone back to edit this before posting the topic, to save everyone the hassle! Those using my Simple Dev PND from Torpor's thread will have this issue.. try using the AUFS enabled version, and running one of the Pandora system apps - the overclocker or the nub manager for instance. It won't run, and if you call "dmesg" in a terminal, you'll see it's having issues mounting it. Oops. I'll fix this shortly. )
So, we need to head over to our SD card's usr folder: "cd /media/mmcblk1p1/usr" and create some more folders: "sudo mkdir arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi bin etc games include lib libexec sbin share src" ( everything in /usr apart from pandora )
We now need to mount these separately.
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi=rw:/usr/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi=ro aufs /usr/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/bin=rw:/usr/bin=ro aufs /usr/bin"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/etc=rw:/usr/etc=ro aufs /usr/etc"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/games=rw:/usr/games=ro aufs /usr/games"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/include=rw:/usr/include=ro aufs /usr/include"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/lib=rw:/usr/lib=ro aufs /usr/lib"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/libexec=rw:/usr/libexec=ro aufs /usr/libexec"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/sbin=rw:/usr/sbin=ro aufs /usr/sbin"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/share=rw:/usr/share=ro aufs /usr/share"
"sudo mount -t aufs -o dirs=/media/mmcblk1p1/usr/src=rw:/usr/src=ro aufs /usr/src"
Hideous, isn't it? Oh well, you can now perform installs from the Angstrom repositories without any issue, and it'll get dumped onto your SD card rather than your NAND
However, we have some caveats here.
You absolutely cannot remove that SD card while you've linked everything up, else bad things will happen. You may have noticed your SD activity light flash now and then already, this is because background operations are happening all the time - your command history is being logged, for example.
However, you cannot unmount these binds... well, you can unmount some, but not all - bin is one of the key ones which it won't allow you to unmount.
As such, the only way in which to remove the binds, is to reboot, much like the AUFS hack that my Simple Dev PND does ( see Torpor's thread for it )
Also, it's not exactly friendly to do, is it? and every time you reboot, you're going to have to go through the binding again! This can be fixed by creating a little PND or a script that does it for you, though.
Another possible issue, is that you're installing stuff to your SD, so it won't be available on boot until you bind everything up.
Finally, speed.. it does slow down the system ever so slightly depending on how fast your SD card is ( mine isn't terribly fast, it's just a standard SD, not SDHC, so doesn't have all the fancy speed ups of modern cards. It's probably made worse in that it's a microSD through an SD adapter! ) as all writes are being redirected.. however, depending on what you're doing, you probably wont mind, and as it remounts your PND locally anyway, it's not like your games or emulators will be affected unless they touch the root file system
We possibly could've taken bits of var over as well, like we did with usr.. however it's somewhat tedious to mount, test, something didn't like that so reboot, rebind, test, etc... so I shall leave that as an exercise for someone else to see what else we can push over.
And that's that! you now have the ability to essentially install whatever you like, and it'll get dumped to your SD card. If you screw up, just reboot, and as your binds don't happen automatically, you're back at your default NAND setup So you can just wipe the SD card and start again!
Essentially, this is a sneaky way of having another firmware image on SD, but with the added bonus of all your "default settings" on NAND being pulled over automatically, rather than being a completely separate firmware.
I'll post this over to the PandoraWiki once there's been some proof reads, hopefully it's useful to someone!