(I think this has been mentioned before but not really discussed)
I propose that the pyra should have a piezo sounder in it somewhere.
It should be connected seperately from the main speakers, appear to software as a PC speaker / system bell, and have a solder jumper for people who want to be able to completely silence thier device.
Something like being able to produce a single square-wave tone in within a range of frequencies would be reasonable, although a single tone would do.
More than that would be lookshery (maybe you can do funny-shaped waves with Really Fast PWM?)
This could be useful for alerts which have to work regardless of volume wheel position, or for programs that are too simple or low-level to load fancy audio libs.
Since the things are flat, easy to drive and cheap, I can't really see any major downsides (although there may be some).
I propose that the pyra should have a piezo sounder in it somewhere.
It should be connected seperately from the main speakers, appear to software as a PC speaker / system bell, and have a solder jumper for people who want to be able to completely silence thier device.
Something like being able to produce a single square-wave tone in within a range of frequencies would be reasonable, although a single tone would do.
More than that would be lookshery (maybe you can do funny-shaped waves with Really Fast PWM?)
This could be useful for alerts which have to work regardless of volume wheel position, or for programs that are too simple or low-level to load fancy audio libs.
Since the things are flat, easy to drive and cheap, I can't really see any major downsides (although there may be some).