Ad Hoc sometime soon?


Apr 26, 2011
Hey there, I've been brainstorming about my end project for school next year,

and I've come to the conclusion that I could really use ad-hoc mode on the pandora.

For those curious; I'm planning to build a home-made remote controlled robot with a networked camera, on a pan/tilt servo mount.

It would stream the image to my computer (or pandora) wireless, while it's controlled with the analog nubs, or a dualshock controller on pc.

So basicly I could drive around and get a first person view, while I can look around by panning and tilting the camera a bit, too.

Anyway, back on topic. I'd like to know if there's chance of ad-hoc networking coming anytime soon, or not. If not, I could always use a small router on

top of the robot, but that would add additional hardware (cost), some weight, and a fair amount of power consumption. Bluetooth could be an option for the controls, but I don't think I can get the camera to stream over that...

So, if anyone could explain to me the status of the ad hoc mode, that would be great. thanks.
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Well, there's a bounty for a driver that supports packet injection and Ad-hoc. And I think it's near release.
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I want to do the exact same thing with my Pandora eventually.

My plan was to use a wireless camera whose receiver outputs to a usb video capture device connected to the Pandora I would do this because it would have better range than a WiFi camera.

For the control I was going to use the EXT port to interface with an arduino connected to an xbee wireless module. This would allow two way wireless communications for control and telemetry. It may be possible to connect an xbee directly to the pandora, I don't know.

You should google "FPV" to get some info. FPV is typically "First person view rc aircraft" and such. You may find some helpful resources.

Please keep us up to date on what you are doing, I really want to see pandora wireless robotics work one day and would be happy to try and help.
Wifi driver bounty topic is here for those interested:

Speaking of bounties there is also a MASSIVE bounty for a Pandora Android port which I am very excited about:
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I want to do the exact same thing with my Pandora eventually.

My plan was to use a wireless camera whose receiver outputs to a usb video capture device connected to the Pandora I would do this because it would have better range than a WiFi camera.

For the control I was going to use the EXT port to interface with an arduino connected to an xbee wireless module. This would allow two way wireless communications for control and telemetry. It may be possible to connect an xbee directly to the pandora, I don't know.

You should google "FPV" to get some info. FPV is typically "First person view rc aircraft" and such. You may find some helpful resources.

Please keep us up to date on what you are doing, I really want to see pandora wireless robotics work one day and would be happy to try and help.
Thanks. I hadn't worked out the wireless pandora <-> arduino connection yet, but that could work..

I'll keep you updated, I'm sure I'll come begging for some programming help to make the client for the pandora at some point :P
I have never tried an usb wifi dongle, but those should support ad-hoc mode (providing there's an angstrom for the chipset). Or am I missing something?
so long as the driver support ad-hoc then it will be available yea.

i cant really talk about what i didnt try, so the only dongle i can certify you work with adhoc, is the linksys ae1000.

A lot of other dongles should work too, but youll need to compile the drivers yourself in most cases (in the form of kernel module). if you do, please pnd it and provide it to the communauty (once you tested it work), or if you cba, well, send it to me and i can include it in a more generic wifi drivers installer pnd.
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