Ac/dc Power Supply

Blah said:
For a geek you sure know nothing about power :P

Anyway it should work just fine, amps is the maximum current, a device won't take any more current than it needs (now overvoltage is a different thing entirely). Just set it to 3v.
Sorry, I don't quite see what you mean? I am well aware of the fact that it only draws what current is 'needed' but a 300mA power supply simply isn't enough. You need 1A to be sure it will work properly.
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Blah said:
Orkie said:
No, you need a 1A power supply.
For a geek you sure know nothing about power :P

Anyway it should work just fine, amps is the maximum current, a device won't take any more current than it needs (now overvoltage is a different thing entirely). Just set it to 3v.

You don't seem to know anything either :P

The GP2X uses half an amp (that's 0.5A, or 500mA) just loading the kernel, so a 300mA adaptor is no use whatsoever. Since it can use far more when the BoB and/or TV out is enabled, 2A is the ideal, and 1A is the minimum.

Also, try and get a switched mode PSU rather than a Linear one, unless you like to use it as a foot warmer :D (You can tell the difference quite easily by picking it up. Linear ones get hot and are quite heavy. Switched mode ones run a lot cooler and are a lot lighter, sometimes smaller too).
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I have an early model GP2X and have been running a 4.5v 500mA supply since I have had it!

(supply is made by philex, found in my garage)

Never had any problems, done numerous firmware upgrades off it etc.
Well, it is the norm that with higher voltage, the current will drop, but the average load will remain the same.

I am suprised you decided to shove a 4.5V adaptor up a 3.3V device however! Hopefully it's a regulated adaptor.
I'm using an ATX power supply.
It gives 14A for 3.3V, I guess that's more then enough. (No, I didn't forget the dot)
Works great ;) and I don't think I'll have any problems hooking up the bob cradle to it :P (But that has to wait till I actualy get one)
Hopefully you also have something else connected to that ATX power supply, as otherwise they are usually quite poor unless they have a half-decent load connected to them (as in, a harddrive at least).