

Still Fresh
May 28, 2003
Does anyone remember this game? crack.com brought it out years back, great side scrolling shooter in the vein of midnight resistance.

then it was made open source and ported to Linux, since the source is available I think this would make a quality gp32 port. the graphics were quality at the time, does anyone think this is possible? I know the original made use of a complex lisp interpreter for level and event scripting which may push the GP32's 8meg memory boundaries.. but I recon this would be the don game, the lyrical master, the Mr T in H Samuels.

I'm gonna see how easy it would be to port .. :huh:
Infact I'm serious about giving this a go.. :ph34r:

... well serious enough to install the compiler extensions n' try building the source.

the original used to run on the pc with only 8meg ram, although the graphics and lighting effects I'd imagine would push the GP's little CPU to the limit.

I've not coded anything game wise for a long time .. anyone interested in a joint project? :huh:
Yeah, I remember that game. But didn't the game require both mouse and key controls? As I recall you walked with the keys and aimed with the mouse (so you could run right, and at the same time shoot at an up-left angle for example).
that was a kewl game!
...and I'm sure, like doom, the mouse controls could be adapted.
Funny, I actually posted a request for someone to port this game to the gp32 a while ago.

I was working on the 3D sequel up until 2 weeks ago when I realized that certain members (doing coding that I can't do) where not doing their job.

I spend 7 months designing and coming up with story - actually the creator of the game himself liked my work enough to ask if he could use my creature designs/models in a game that he was going to make for PS2!

If you'd like to see the designs there are some here: http://abuse.forerunners.org/

and my site will have all the rest of the creatures that I designed/built for the game - about 16 if I remember correctly - including a rediesign of "the suit"! Available here: http://www.sinthesisent.com

Back to the topic - YES PLEASE PORT IT!!!! I've converted all the tiles to tga I believe (instead of satan paint) and you can get them here: http://abuse2.com/index.php3?show_home=JAS

Here is the previous request for a port here: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?act=S...T&f=1&t=237&hl=

If there is anything none-coding that I can do to help just let me know!
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Yeah, I remember that game. But didn't the game require both mouse and key controls? As I recall you walked with the keys and aimed with the mouse (so you could run right, and at the same time shoot at an up-left angle for example).
I was thinking about this ..

(aside from the technical aspects in porting the actual game .. :D )

and I think the game would be equally playable if you shot in the direction of movement, especially if you introduced a button for jump (B) and had A for shooting. Or you could use the L and R buttons to rotate the direction of fire, like Ikari Warriors.

I know it's not ideal but would still be playable I'm sure.
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Funny, I actually posted a request for someone to port this game to the gp32 a while ago.

I was working on the 3D sequel up until 2 weeks ago ... If you'd like to see the designs there are some here:

... I've converted all the tiles to tga I believe (instead of satan paint) and you can get them
Jas, Nice one mate!

Wicked designs .. what happened to the 3d sequel?

I'm at work at the mo but will check 'em out properly when I can get home. I'll let you guys know how it goes with my efforts, will prolly be back tmoz asking for help already. We'll see though, would be a fantastic game on a handheld platform


glad to see someone rememebers this game !! :P
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Then with a bit of luck gamma can be coded in by someone :)

Unless it's another of those ones that uses the entire range of colours on the GP32, and even then we might get something :)

Abuse was one of those games I heard about and never got round to playing... now I'm waiting for a port :)
I too missed out on a lot of classics, because I was too young to appreciate them and know what was what.

When the Mega Drive/SNES came out, I was just an ikkle boy.... :rolleyes:

Shame really, I just got into R-Type! Thats one impossible mother!

Someone also mendtioned Ikari Warriors... did anyone ever complete this game!? The ending was SO CRAP!
Wicked designs .. what happened to the 3d sequel?
Thanks for the compliments!

Well, the programmer wasn't doing his job. Since the other guy (that was doing textures) didn't know how to code too well - I bailed - which really bothered me to do because I spend 7 month on the project and had nothing but high hopes for it... You should hear what the story was like (I might post it in a month or two).

Look for the rest of my designs in a week or two.

The texture guy is going to texture the model of the suit, as a favor, so that should be cool!
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