A Smashgp Forum

Yes... good idea.
by the way: Marry Christmas!!


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Why? I don't see any need for one.

Is it going to be that every time a good game is released there has to be a support forum for it?
I think there should just be a thread in General or Something entiteled SmashGP which has a main post which is edited to say whats going on in the deep parts of the thread. There should also only be one News post per game and then the maker just edits the first post and bumps the topic saying to read the first post.
*watches generalmnx devour pinkspider's soul*

But yeah, I agree. A smashGP forum would be USED, which makes it worthwile to make one. Its not about making a forum whenever a decent game comes along, its about making a forum whenever a game that is likely to be discussed a lot comes along, and the sheer number of SmashGP topics shows that it certainly fits that criteria.