A Really Cool Way To Have A Lot Of Storage Without Memory Cards...

seems like a long winded and expensive way of doing things!

i already have all my media on 2x 1TB internal drives, so ill merely connect to them via samba and the wireless network.
Wouldn't idea of using a HDD spawn from not having access to a network yet wanting the capability of more storage? I kept reading comments like "I will just connect to my network" or something like that.

Can you purchase portable HDD's that have a battery as a power source that is built in?
JakeK said:
Can you purchase portable HDD's that have a battery as a power source that is built in?
The closest things that I can think of are either an mp3 player or something like this.
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Lurkio said:
JakeK said:
Can you purchase portable HDD's that have a battery as a power source that is built in?
The closest things that I can think of are either an mp3 player or something like this.

So there is a way to take out the HDD of an iPod or something and use the battery + USB connection + HDD?.
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JakeK said:
So there is a way to take out the HDD of an iPod or something and use the battery + USB connection + HDD?.
The iPods logic board might be needed in this situation because I don't know whether the battery could be plugged directly into the hard drive, same goes for other mp3 players.
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You can get a 1.8" HDD external case for a few bucks that will work with a lot of the iPods. I've got a 40GB 1.8" in my UMPC that I replaced with a 80GB. The remaining 40GB in the external case fits in my UMPC case. So I hope to use that with the UMPC or Pandora when I wanna view a video.
Another reason that SSHFS is a better solution than samba is it's routable across networks. There is a Wifi hotspot just within range of my office at work. I can tap into that hotspot and access files on my home server as if those files were part of my lappy's (or Pandora's) native filesystem. I can play mp3's, edit configuration files, copy roms from my collection to my lappy (or Pandora) to play on the bus or train ride home. Transfer the pictures I just took with my USB or SDIO camera directly to my webserver at home for public display, and free up space on my SD card for yet more pictures.

Samba connections are limited to the local network only. While nice when you're sitting on your couch. It doesn't help you when you aren't at home.

SSHFS is also a one stop shop, I don't have to worry about how secure the wifi connection I'm using is, it could be wide open and the hacker would still have to break SSH's encryption before he could see what I'm doing. If the wifi connection happens to be WPA2 then all the better.
JakeK said:
Can you purchase portable HDD's that have a battery as a power source that is built in?
Sure can. Here's one example:


These are designed for portable data backup (eg. for photographers). They contain a 2.5" HDD, and all the usual card slots, and an internal battery. They can be used like any other external HDD.
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I really do like the NAS idea, even though it only helps at home. If the transfer rate was decent, you might be able to load your SD cards with media without mucking around with a cockeyed SD card sneakernet.
Gruso said:
JakeK said:
Can you purchase portable HDD's that have a battery as a power source that is built in?
Sure can. Here's one example:


These are designed for portable data backup (eg. for photographers). They contain a 2.5" HDD, and all the usual card slots, and an internal battery. They can be used like any other external HDD.

Excellent, thank you.

Although I'd also like to see how the iPod thing works. Maybe after my electronics course I'll know what I am looking at :P.
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icurafu said:
Why not just use samba over a typical WPA2 encrypted wireless connection? That's what I'll use.
Because Samba is terrible compared to just about any other protocol available. :P

mindlord said:
Another reason that SSHFS is a better solution than samba is it's routable across networks.
You forgot to mention uncrackable encryption, and on one easy-to-spot port. Samba, especially with Windows, has a way of spanning multiple ports for no good reason.
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jakshep2 said:
Step 1:
Get an external harddrive, of whatever capacity you choose.
Step 2:
Get a wireless USB connector, if one exists... if not, use a normal USB cable
Step 3:
If a wireless USB cable does exist, it means you can enjoy gigabytes of storage in the home or garden. up to 1TB of storage, and no memory cards!
How about we find a bunch of old data tape recorders, hook them up via FM transmitter, then hook up an FM receiver to the Pandora, and play back the data tapes over the transmitter, run your C64 emulator and enjoy 8 bit applications anywhere within 100 feet? Or we could make it FCC illegal and put a 40 foot antenna on the transmitter, then it would be a 4 mile radius!
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JakeK said:
*Grabs cricket bat to aid in slapping your forehead* :P

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This could actually be workable in combination with a backpack. You'd need a battery or five, but it's feasible and you wouldn't have cables stung all over.

A more sane use for this would be in a car. You walk into your car, press a shortcut, it wirelessly connects to your hard drive to play music, games, or video. You could just grab whatever stuff you're in the mood for that day. You could probably even rig up a script to download of couple random things automatically.

Maybe this is all outlandish, but I'm just saying it's not a bad idea.