Some Questions on the GP32...


Still Fresh
Jan 29, 2004
hello all, i have heard about the gp32 for a while and did a search and found this site.

i have a few questions on the GP32

1. where is the best place to buy 1 ? i am in the USA

2. how do i put roms/ movies on it?

3. is it easy to hook up to the pc and start downloding roms.

4. what are the best emulaters and roms avalable?

thanks all

well is good I think. has it but their in euros but their probly the best place to get it.

to get roms on it if you have the default firmware you need to register it and get freelauncher if you have euro firmware or multi you can just skip it. For movies you need to buy GPcinama (I think its under $10)

The gp32 drives can ba a bitch to get them up cuz they just plainly suck. so sometimes its easy and some times its not I would get a SMC reader/writer

SNES Opensnes9x

their are amny emu out just thats the best for SNES and i havent reall tried any others

and GPEngine is good for PC Engine

Little John is good for NES too
I agree with DemonStar55 except that with the new usb mass storage driver out, if you have XP, 2000 or NT you might not need to spend the money on a smc reader.
hello all, i have heard about the gp32 for a while and did a search and found this site.

i have a few questions on the GP32

1. where is the best place to buy 1 ? i am in the USA

2. how do i put roms/ movies on it?

3. is it easy to hook up to the pc and start downloding roms.

4. what are the best emulaters and roms avalable?

thanks all

1. where is the best place to buy 1 ? i am in the USA Based in the UK with shipping to the USA, good reports all round, the bloke develops for the GP... you should be safer than Walmart...

2. how do i put roms/ movies on it?

it comes with a link cable which connects to the usb on the pc. there are guides at
GP32 Emu which are handy, there is also stuff on this site. along with a search facility for the forums ;)

3. is it easy to hook up to the pc and start downloding roms.

you mean transferring from the pc to the gp32 ? piece of cake.. but some win2000 users seem to have the odd prob.. dunno why that is.. i have xp and it seems to love it

4. what are the best emulaters and roms avalable?

you do like that rom word. they don't like it used much here, you should pay attention to that. for 'best games' - have a look at the sticky posts, read the cunningly disguised forum 'gp engine' or be daring and take a mad shot in the dark with a way-out emu ! wooo

snes wins the emu race right now, a planned update of which is mentioned on the current news page

in a nutshell. it is all here.
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a snes emu, sweet

does it support saves,

man, Super mario rpg and Final fight on the go


I am new also. I have been reading the site for sometime, and my gp32 should arrive in the mail soon. I have one question though.

I've heard a lot about overclocking. I get the idea of what it is, but I don't no how to do it. Can someone explain this for me. Thank You.
Yes, snes saving is supported.

OCing: You overclocking through programs, and run the cpu at an overclocked rate only in those certain programs (like an emu). You don't actually OC the cpu permenantly. For most emulators, you go into the emulator, choose a clock setting, and then the emulator runs at that setting, but when you exit the program, the gp32 goes back to the normal clock setting. However, some emulators don't have this feature built-in, so you'll have to dl different versions of the emulator set to a specific clock setting (they can be downloaded from gp32world).
I am new also. I have been reading the site for sometime, and my gp32 should arrive in the mail soon. I have one question though.

I've heard a lot about overclocking. I get the idea of what it is, but I don't no how to do it. Can someone explain this for me. Thank You.
The programs you run does the overclocking.
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