"a Problem With The Hard Drive


Aug 6, 2003
A problem with the hard drive has been detected. Consult the troubleshooting section of your users manual.

Press the Enter key to continue.

... I get this when my computer boots. I press enter, and everything works fine.

Does anyone have any clue as to why this is happening? ( and more importantly, how to get rid of that message )

EDIT: I forgot to say, I have run all sorts of diagnostics and all of them say my HD is just fine.
If you do all the proper tests, a full surface scan from scan disk, defrag and the whole works, and your harddrive is good to go, but you still get the message then I would first check my bios (usually F1 or DEL while booting) make sure your harddrive is set to autodetect, verify all the settings to make sure they are correct. If it still gives you trouble, then its probably some nasty thing thats somewhere where the scandisks dont go, like your MBR.

If you use windows or linux, what I would do (and have done in the past for similar situations) is: (note this is last resort unless you like to do this kinda stuff)

Use an image program like Norton Ghost, make a image from the entire disk (all paritions), if you have alot of stuff this may take several CDs (cd burner required), uninstall anything large that you can just install again, to make the # of cds less.

Load up a dos prompt and your friendly fdisk (or similar), delete all the partitions and recreate them, format, and use norton ghost again to drop the image back down onto your harddrive (image to disk).

NOTE: Now, if for some reason norton didnt preserve your MBR (I dont remember if it does...I think it does), you will have to restore it (make sure you know how to do this before attempting this), in linux (redhat and fedora, you might need to modify it slightly for others) you would do the following

Boot up using your linux install cd
type: linux rescue
type: chroot /mnt/sysimage/
type: grub-install /dev/hda

and reboot. /dev/hda is assuming that your harddrive is primary master.

For windows...your on your own...you could probably just "reinstall" windows over the top of your old windows, and it would "fix" the MBR. Although you would loose your settings and such. I dont know if windows has any "nice" way to restore the MBR...

If you still get problems, its probably your installation of your OS reporting something wrong, make sure you have all the needed critical updates for your OS. If it still does it, I would reinstall the os, or dual boot something else to see if its your OS just giving bad warnings.

It could, however, be some mechanical defect in your harddrive, listen for clicks and such, or try another harddrive if you have one available and see if you still get the same warning.

If you use are using a mac then I have no clue.

Disclaimer: Unless you are familiar with the usage of fdisk, paritions, dos, and your harddrive, I do not suggest attempting this.
I'm using windows.

I don't know if scandisk or any of the other programs I used checked the MBR, but in windows you can use the command fdisk /mbr to repair it. I still get the message though.

Ah well, I have a zip drive, so I'll go out and buy a huge pack of them and start backing up anything important I have. Then I'll work my HD until it blows up B)