A Pandora is a useful thing to have during a storm :)


Still Fresh
Mar 7, 2011
Last night, my area got hit by Hurricane Irene, and my father and I were without power for quite a long time (though that's fortunately the worst that happened for us). I spent most of the night periodically keeping an eye on the water level and text messaging my girlfriend and my mother, both currently in different states, to let them know how things were going and that we were okay. Of course, my phone's battery isn't the best, so a few hours into the outage it needed a charge. Pandora to the rescue! Powered it up, plugged my phone into the USB port, played a level or two in Yoshi's Island, and I was charged and ready to go, with the Pandora battery only reduced to 88% or so in the process!

In addition, once I had power and internet back, it was a very convenient way to IRC with my college friends and see how they were doing with the storm, since my laptop was packed up in a "bug-out bag" and my desktop was disconnected and up on a high shelf in anticipation of flooding. So thanks Pandora (and that behemoth of a battery of yours), for keeping me entertained and in contact with my friends and family during the hurricane :)
That rocks! I'm glad you had such success. With a spare battery I bet you could charge up quite a few phones.
yeah it is good when you have no power i just went to sleep but i charged mine before the power went out incase it lasted a long time
Last night, my area got hit by the tropical storm Irene, and we were out of power too from 6pm to 2am. Before going to bed, I was playing my pandora, my wife was using the caanoo and our son his DS

Charging devices via the Pandoras USB port is one of the 'hidden gems' of Pandora ownership. I've found I can recharge my phone & my daughters DS via the Pandora and still have enough juice in the tank for 5 hours or so of gaming / music / video.
Charging devices via the Pandoras USB port is one of the 'hidden gems' of Pandora ownership.
This is a fact that's often missed by those who say that the feature should be dropped. It really is a lifesaver, at times.
Definitely. Between my iControlpad and my Pandora, it's going to take some serious amount of gadget use before I run out of mobile battery power.
I need to test my Pandora with my extended 3DS battery at some point. That thing lasts close to what the Pandora can, so I'm really curious as to how well the Pandora will hold up with charging it. :P
I am so pleased with the battery life. Funny how so many expensive gadgets out there have such poor battery lives.

obviously the technology is there to improve but perhaps there is a bigger picture here $$$$???
I think it is more about form factor than money. The industry standard batteries are quite a bit smaller than the Pandora. The size of the Pandora battery alone is almost that of a tiny mobile phone.