A legal Mega-download of ROM's for the Pandora

myownlittlworld: you are now the dictator. Everyone, please send the ROM details to myownlittlworld, who can now start packin' .. I am ready to test as soon as you are.
BattleJewels is freeware for pandora/wiz/caanoo/etc; freeware everywhere really, but I guarantee to keep it freeware for these guys, in case I ever decide to get greedy on other platforms :)

ScummVM + a couple games from the scummvm site would be nice I think; Benbeath a Steal Sky (floppy version, not CD version) is 7MB.


For interactive fiction, grab a random few from this list:


(Thats BAFs, which is a handy index site for the IFArchive, which is a huge pile of text adventures.) Include Gargoyle, which can run zcode games (among others) just fine. Anchorhead will creep people out :) http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/games/zcode/anchor.z8

Wesnoth is huge, but one of the best games on the platform.

This is documented on the wiki. Go there for more information.

So, the first PandaPack (built on 2011.0217) contains following PNDs from OpenHandhelds:

- Angband (GPL v2+)

- Angry Drunken Dwarves (GPL v2)

- Battle of Wesnoth (GPL v2+)

- Dosbox (GPL v2)

- FHeroes2 (GPL v2)

- FreeCiv (GPL v2)

- Mupen64 (GPL v2+)

- Narcissu (Free redistribution, no modification)

- NESEmu (GPL v2+)

- Open Gladiator (GPL v2+)

- PandoraPanic (GPL v2)

- PowerManga.pnd (GPL v3+)

- SDL Ball (GPL v3)

- SDL Zombies (GPL v1)

- Skyroads (Free redistribution, no modification)

- SNes9X (Free for non-commercial redistribution)

- SuperTux (GPL v2+)

- Toppler (GPL v2+)

This torrent is available on SeedPeer.com and through the following Magnet link:


There were also a few PNDs I can't distribute:

- Giana's Return (requires written permission to redistribute)

- Letters Fall 3 (copyright 16bitsoft.com, non-redistributable)

- PicoDrive (no redistribution information, copyrighted)

The authors of those last 3 PNDs might consider clarifying their licenses, as I (1) can't redistribute them, or (2) can't verify the redistribution requirements. Either way, they're non-free (in either the GPL or DFSG senses) software.


Tell me if you can't connect to me or download the package, I suspect my ISP is blocking the three well-known public trackers.
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Shows 0 seeds on the seedpeer page, and for me using transmission...

Edit: working now..
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A few suggestions for the next pack (probably in a week or two):

  • Up to 1 GB.
  • Ginge :)
  • ScummVM and Beneath a Steel Sky
  • Gargoyle and a few of those games.
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A few suggestions for the next pack (probably in a week or two):

  • Up to 1 GB.
  • Ginge :)
  • ScummVM and Beneath a Steel Sky
  • Gargoyle and a few of those games.
Is the plan to make these incremental in some way, or is it going to be a case of pick the largest one you want? (assuming it grows over time)
Is the plan to make these incremental in some way, or is it going to be a case of pick the largest one you want? (assuming it grows over time)

They will be incremental in that one follows after the other, but the packs won't be related to one another in any way. You won't be required to download pack 02 to enjoy the content on pack 16, for example. The PND system pretty effectively precludes any such interdependency. It'll be a case of "pick whatever one you want that sounds neat to you." Eventually, I might start producing them around certain themes, if we get enough content to make that worthwhile. I'd love to see a pack devoted entirely to the platforming competition, for example.
we have seeders, no worries, the site may not say so, but were there