A Gp Scumm Fxe Pack, Different Speeds/versions


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Okay first off let me say, if this is breaking ANY rules I do apologize let me know asap and either remove the thread or whatever. I am not intentionaly breaking them but as I'm unsure of some rules here still about distributing and redistributing files... well... just making sure you guys let me know and that you know i"m not trying to go out of my way to intentionally break rules.


that being said....

After much looking, then begging and pleading for help, I finally was given the info I was looking for on how to change the clockspeeds in GP Scumm via hex editor. So... I've been spending the day messing around with the different versions (ph0x version, or v.3, and Dj Willis version, or v.5) and trying different speeds.

Well anyways, I thought it might be cool if I made a little pack covering a nice range of different versions/speeds for myself so I could freely experiment between them... well of course then I thought... HEY maybe some of the guys on GP32x could use these too!

So... here is what I have... it's one Zip file, about 3MB big. It contains in it:

- The original ph0x v.3 port of GP scumm, not sure but I think this runs at 166mhz... runs great with near perfect sound, but tends to lock up on my own BLU
- The original ph0x v.3 included in his original zip pack, underclocked to run at 132mhz... runs great, but with very crackly sound. Doesn't lock up at all
- ph0x v.3 hex edited by me to run 156mhz... sound is somewhere in between the first two, havent gotten it to lock up
- ph0x v.3 hex edited by me to run 160mhz... sound is about the same as 156mhz, a tad cleaner, and hasn't locked up on me yet

I have gotten the ph0x version to run DOTT (perfect), Monkey Island 1 and 2 (perfect), and Sam and Max (perfect but NO music, speech and sound effects work though). I have also already hex edited all of these versions of the ph0x v.3 .fxe to fix the Monkey Island 1 save bug.

Also included are:

- The DJ Willis v.5 alpha port of GP Scumm (latest release I've found). In three flavors, just like with the v.3, which are 132, 156, and 160 mhz.

The differences in the v.5 version vs. the v.3 version are the v.5 version WILL play the music from Sam and Max, and will also play Loom, which I was not able to get v.3 to play, as well as the monkey islands and DOTT. The downside is that in Sam and Max and DOTT, the mouse cursor movement is VERY slow, to the point I consider unplayable. The sound seems a bit better in all flavors of the v.5 .fxe.

Also, just so you guys know, I have hex edited the names of these files, so that they will actually each have a different name as they show up on your launcher, so you can actually put them all on your smc at the same time if you want and easily tell them apart so you can test and compare between them and figure out which ones you prefer. They will all use the same save/ini files, so once you set one up they will all be set up, as far as your list of games and such.

Anyways... I guess I can either email these out, or if someone wants to host/post in the news section or something so people can get it at their convenience.

See... and you guys thought I just liked to ask for help all day long while contributing nada :D well nothing too special I guess... nothing you guys couldn't have done on your own but hey I had the free time and wanted a good working scumm darn it!

EDIT: NOW if I could just figure out how to hex edit the speed of the mouse cursor and speed it up in v.5... then Sam and Max would play perfect!
Hello Bast,

as I can see from your post, you did very nice job.
I'd be interested in getting your pack, but dunno if my email account can handle 3+MB attachement. But I think, that EvilDragon 'd put it up on his distro at www.gp32x.de, as there IMHO will be lots of ppl interested in it.

Great job. Keep it up :)
Also I can add any other speed versions for anyone who is lucky to have a really fast GP... I didn't see the need in doing a 166 along with the 156 and 160... just didn't seem to be that much difference. But if you've got a GP that can go faster than 166 stably let me know I can throw that in there as well.
PiNa1971 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 11:19 AM said:
Hello Bast,

as I can see from your post, you did very nice job.
I'd be interested in getting your pack, but dunno if my email account can handle 3+MB attachement. But I think, that EvilDragon 'd put it up on his distro at www.gp32x.de, as there IMHO will be lots of ppl interested in it.

Great job. Keep it up :)

Yeah, no problem with that, all credits are still in the pack, so that's okay :)

I'm gonna upload it later, cause right now I'm at work ;)
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Yeah, no problem with that, all credits are still in the pack, so that's okay :)

I'm gonna upload it later, cause right now I'm at work ;)

*whew* okay good... I wasn't sure what to include in there or whatnot, not trying to take credit for what is not mine to take. For what it's worth I wasn't even the first one to offer hex-hacked versions of the v.5 anyways :P Hooka beat me to that one, I just put'em all together and renamed them so you can pick them out easier if you have more than one on one SMC.

I wish I could hack the speed of the cursor... really no idea how to though.

EvilDragon - I shoulda thought of this sooner, to put a readme in there with all credits given and just a detail of exactly what is in there as well, as people may get the pack w/o seeing this thread. Well maybe if you get time you can copy and paste the first post into a .txt file and stick it in the zip? Just a thought.
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bast525 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 01:26 AM said:
EDIT: NOW if I could just figure out how to hex edit the speed of the mouse cursor and speed it up in v.5... then Sam and Max would play perfect!

You can't, the mouse speed problem is a little more involved then that, in simple terms 0.5.* and above on the GP32 = slow mouse. That said, this may not be the case for much longer.

Thanks for doing this, I know Hooka did it with my builds some time ago but I don't think anybody bothered to hex edit Ph0x's old builds before.

Also, let's just say I have not abandoned the GP32 yet (I even have some real hardware on the way again) and I may even get a new version out one of these days, smeg, it's reallly over a year since that 0.5.1 alpha :blink:.
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bast > Don't expect so much about hex editing. :rolleyes:

DJWillis > Great! It would be so good to have a "final" 0.5 release. :)
*shrug* well... hex editing is the best I have since I"m no devver :D it does seem to be very useful, at least.

DJ Willis - glad to hear you're not 'done' with the GP, then. You may be our last hope for a fully playable Sam and Max with music and the lot :D

I kinda wish I'd held off on putting this pack together for a second... and really thought what all else I could have put in there to really make it useful (more different clockspeeds, a detailed readme).

About hacking the original ph0x v.3 build... one thing was kind of odd. Of the two versions included in his original rar pack (the 'regular' one, and one labeled 132mhz), I couldn't find the 'hackable' line to change the speed of the 'regular' one, so the edited ones in the pack are the 132mhz version, edited. This kinda sux because even when I hack that to run 166mhz, it still doesn't sound QUITE as nice as the 'regular' one included in ph0x's original pack. I wonder what he did differently in the 'regular' one that it sounds so much nicer?