A Good Sdl Tutorial?


Still Fresh
Aug 13, 2009
I do know C++, just not SDL. I want to use SDL because it has multiplayer/sound/ttf/everything I would need for something, and because one of my friends uses it for his stuff and says it's very easy to use(compared to openGL) as well as much faster than pygame. Any good resources for learning SDL?
eiliosdraye said:
I do know C++, just not SDL. I want to use SDL because it has multiplayer/sound/ttf/everything I would need for something, and because one of my friends uses it for his stuff and says it's very easy to use(compared to openGL) as well as much faster than pygame. Any good resources for learning SDL?

Use google to search our site:

site:gp32x.de sdl tutorial

You will find tons of info.
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i got those 3 to my aid when i am making games :D
i would feel wherry lost whitout them

http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php // to learn SDL
http://sdl.beuc.net/sdl.wiki/FrontPage // to check SDL API
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ // to check C++ related stuff.