A Few Things Before Getting A Gp2x ...


Still Fresh
Jul 11, 2008
Duisburg | Germany
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Well, since my PSP can't be saved (meaning: D-Pad is a piece of crap, Joystick doesn't function properly, pressure points of all buttons are ridiculous) and I mainly used it for emulation anyway, I want to get myself a GP2X, I have some questions.

1. What to get? F100 or F200? As I read here, there's a lot of trouble with F200s, such as bricking and stuff. And is the Digital Stick of the f100 really so bad you can't play properly? I mean I read things about shortening the shaft of the cap (which would be one of the few possibilities for me since I have no idea about modding, at all), but how is performance in the long run? Does it pay out to get an F200? (Since I on't mind color or anything...)

2. Any Emulator that doesn't work with F200 but F100?

3. You can use USB-Controllers via cradle, yes? Does that work with the cradle only or is there another way? Is that thing compatible with an Xbox 360 controller?

4. What if any problems (Bricking, broken anything...) turn up? Where should I go? (Except here, naturally)

If anything else comes to my mind, I'll edit.
1. If you can get a MkII cheap, then get one. Don't get a MkI unless it's really cheap ($50 maybe). Then do a Dpad mod on it. I own both an F100 and an F200, and use my F100 most of the time, the touchscreen is useless to me.
2. No
3. Yes, you can also get a breakout board, which, I think, is geared towards developers. So the cradle is your best bet. I don't own one, but I've heard there's been problems with the GP2X not fitting inside them. I don't know about the 360 controller, definately not the wireless one though.
4. First, look around here, it's likely someone else has had the same problem. I know the cradle can be used to fix a brick. If you can't find anything, ask here. If all else fails, contact the supplier to see if you can get a replacement.
PlopperZ said:
1. If you can get a MkII cheap, then get one. Don't get a MkI unless it's really cheap ($50 maybe). Then do a Dpad mod on it. I own both an F100 and an F200, and use my F100 most of the time, the touchscreen is useless to me.
As said, I can't mod at all. If I tried to mod the GP2X I'll most likely butcher it. That's why it would be easier for me to get an F200... though I don't care too much about the touchscreen as well. And yeah, I never even thought about getting an MK1, I only know one site which still sells GP2Xs and there, the difference between MK1 and MK2 is 20 Euros and the difference between MK2 and F200 50... I'll most likely sell my old PSP games to get the money needed, but anyway.
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Sorry, I missed the part about your modding skills :)
Go with the MkII. Out of curiosity, what site are you looking at?
Anyhow, the stick isn't that bad, and there are a few step-by-step mod guides out there to make it simple.
Regii said:
PlopperZ said:
1. If you can get a MkII cheap, then get one. Don't get a MkI unless it's really cheap ($50 maybe). Then do a Dpad mod on it. I own both an F100 and an F200, and use my F100 most of the time, the touchscreen is useless to me.
As said, I can't mod at all. If I tried to mod the GP2X I'll most likely butcher it. That's why it would be easier for me to get an F200... though I don't care too much about the touchscreen as well. And yeah, I never even thought about getting an MK1, I only know one site which still sells GP2Xs and there, the difference between MK1 and MK2 is 20 Euros and the difference between MK2 and F200 50... I'll most likely sell my old PSP games to get the money needed, but anyway.

I would go for the f200 or the last revision of the f100 (which I think is an mk2). The Joystick isn't the best and can be frustrating for certain types of games, but isn't nearly as bad as some make it out to be. You can probably pick up an f100 mk2 for less than $100, the f200's are still going for more and unless you really want the touch screen or the 4 button joypad, then the f200 isn't worth the extra money (in the used market).

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PlopperZ said:
Sorry, I missed the part about your modding skills :)
Go with the MkII. Out of curiosity, what site are you looking at?
Anyhow, the stick isn't that bad, and there are a few step-by-step mod guides out there to make it simple.
Hm, but I read that its lifespan isn't that long... =/
However, I still lack the skill as well as the material (the opportunity to get this material) to mod anything, I don't want to waste 120 Euros in a console that doesn't work in the end. And I guess there's no "official" customer service v_v.

Until I haven't ordered, you don't hear it from me since the stock is very very low... about 5 F200s in a base package, and 4 MK2s... and I don't want it to run out before I get the money ;)


I would go for the f200 or the last revision of the f100 (which I think is an mk2). The Joystick isn't the best and can be frustrating for certain types of games, but isn't nearly as bad as some make it out to be. You can probably pick up an f100 mk2 for less than $100, the f200's are still going for more and unless you really want the touch screen or the 4 button joypad, then the f200 isn't worth the extra money (in the used market).

Agh, please no values in $, fellow me is German o.o
And by the way, I'm talking of usused devices, only unsealed for a check of functionality.
Well, I guess I'll play quite a lot of (Action-)RPGs, but also lots of Action games and SHMUPs ('course that's not everything), and I think a not-so-well working Joystick in Shmups could mean instant death :)

I guess I'll go with an F200 (hopefully I get one without FW 4.1.x, speaking of which, how much worse is this FW in comparison to 4.0? And what difference (except the loss of TS support in Emulators) are there? Any major bugs I have to fear?))

Or is there an argument that drastically speaks against an F200?
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You come from Germany? Then EvilDragons shop/forum is the best choice if you want to buy a GP2x or if you need support.


If you ask me, the F-200 is the best choice.
With firmware 4.1.1 there is no software I know which will not work.
With firmware 4.0.0 there are problems with Java applications.

The only minior advantages from firmware 4.1.1 I noticed are:

-Fixed problems with the sample rate, causing a few programs to fail with firmware 4.0.0 (examples are some Allegro based games and Java apps like Pipes)

-Fixed wrong language in the touchscreen calibration screen

-Added wallpaper support to the original menu

-Some enhancements to the build in photo viewer

-The start sound is not so loud anymore

On the other side you get some problems with the touchscreen with 4.1.1 (as you noticed before), the sound may a little bit to low in some programs and the autostart funktion is buggy.

sbock said:

You come from Germany? Then EvilDragons shop/forum is the best choice if you want to buy a GP2x or if you need support.


If you ask me, the F-200 is the best choice.
With firmware 4.1.1 there is no software I know which will not work.
With firmware 4.0.0 there are problems with Java applications.

Well, that's exactly where I wanted to get mine :)
Thanks for the info. One more question: In case the FW is old (like.. 3.0 or whatever), is updating as easy a process as with the PSP (Just launching some software that does the work for you) or is there something you have to keep in mind? (Except making sure the batteries don't run dry...)

Hark, I think I'm gonna have to get an AC Adaptor as well, I have quite the fear with my batteries... is there any cable that's exactly like the one you need for an GP2X? Like the AC Adaptor of a PSP, or one you power a portable TV with? I needz answers ._.

Ah yeah, what Batteries have the longest life span again? And how long does a FW update normally take?
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The firmware update is under normal circumstances no big deal and very similar to the PSP. Small updates only last some seconds. Big update steps or full firmware writes last a few minutes.
The F-200 comes at least with 4.0.0.
Take a look at EvilDragon's shop. I think he has some power supplys in stock.
I recommend Ansmann rechargeable batteries also available in the shop.

BTW, look in the German forum, there is a FAQ section which may be of interest for you...

sbock said:
The firmware update is under normal circumstances no big deal and very similar to the PSP. Small updates only last some seconds. Big update steps or full firmware writes last a few minutes.
The F-200 comes at least with 4.0.0.
Take a look at EvilDragon's shop. I think he has some power supplys in stock.
I recommend Ansmann rechargeable batteries also available in the shop.

BTW, look in the German forum, there is a FAQ section which may be of interest for you...

So there's no older FW than that? Could've sworn I saw something different, but however O.o
Something else: Does the GP2X need AA oder AAA batteries? Because maybe I still have some rechargeables at home ...

I do have a shop where I can still get an F200. just gotta make sure I get it quickly .___.

But if the installed FW is 4.0, isn't there a chance of getting a non-working Card Reader, like... you can't e.g. update FW even if you wait for ages and then most likely brick it?
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Regii said:
sbock said:
The firmware update is under normal circumstances no big deal and very similar to the PSP. Small updates only last some seconds. Big update steps or full firmware writes last a few minutes.
The F-200 comes at least with 4.0.0.
Take a look at EvilDragon's shop. I think he has some power supplys in stock.
I recommend Ansmann rechargeable batteries also available in the shop.

BTW, look in the German forum, there is a FAQ section which may be of interest for you...

So there's no older FW than that? Could've sworn I saw something different, but however O.o
Something else: Does the GP2X need AA oder AAA batteries? Because maybe I still have some rechargeables at home ...

I do have a shop where I can still get an F200. just gotta make sure I get it quickly .___.

But if the installed FW is 4.0, isn't there a chance of getting a non-working Card Reader, like... you can't e.g. update FW even if you wait for ages and then most likely brick it?

For the F-100 there are older firmware versions available.
The GP2x needs AA batteries.
An early batch of the F-200 had technical problems with the SD reader. That's no problem with the firmware.
If you get a defective unit, you must sent them back. For such things we have a warranty.
EvilDragon offers a "life-time" gratis unbrick service for units sold by him.

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craigix said:
Get an F200. No question about it in my eyes unless you want to do major dev stuff.
Would you mind listing the reasons for this recommendation?
Would you consider the 4 button d pad substantially better than the f100's nub thing?
Is the screen better?
Is the battery life any better?
Is the build quality better?
Do they overclock better (mine doesn't overclock at all 240mhz tops, 245 causes it to lock up).

Thanks for any information you can give.

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