A Buyer's Guide?


Active Member
Jun 8, 2006
I don't really know how to formulate this idea, nor do I know what it should consist in, but anyways, the basic idea is this :

I'd like to buy a wifi adapter for the gp2x, i'd like to buy a USB TV tuner for the GP2X, i'd like to buy some sort of keyboard for the gp2x and some pointing device (mouse?) that i could easily carry around (i don't want take a 2' long rigid keyboard everywhere with me) but 1) I don't know what would be the best of each of these things to buy and 2) I'm not sure I would know how to make them work properly

Basically my goal is to make my GP2X as omnipotent as possible, by omnipotent I mean so it can be used as a laptop computer. Besides knowing what to buy, I'd love to know what's the best way to chat on each major instant messaging/chat network, what are the best solutions to browse the web, eventually, or *even* word processing, well basically anything that could be possible on the GP2X

I'd just love to have some sort of 'ressource' which people could contribute to telling what they have tried and how they got things to work, making it easier for other people to follow their lead and to know before trying anything what they can expect.

I only don't know what would be the best suited way to have and manage this ressource, that's why I'm making this topic to discuss it (i'm not making a topic to discuss which foldable keyboard to buy or anything)
Paradox posted on Aug 6 2006 at 02:31 AM said:
for a keyboard you'd want a "roll up keyboard" a plastic rubber keyboard that basically, rolls up ...

lol thanks, but as I said in my last line, it's not really what I want to discuss about. That kind of suggestion would be for once we would have decided on how to set up that 'information ressource'

yaustar posted on Aug 6 2006 at 02:31 AM said:
Wouldn't the Wiki be the usual place for this?

Well OK, but how would we organize things? Plus I'm allergic to editing Wikis, I rather discuss about things first until we agree on something precise to do

xtravbx posted on Aug 6 2006 at 02:33 AM said:
Is all this stuff even possible, that he's asking for?

yeah pretty much actually. not too sure about the TV tuner tho

EDIT : not only would it be cool to have an information ressource but also to have a part where we would 'post' the 'things' which someone should look into
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DBH posted on Aug 6 2006 at 03:18 AM said:
I really want a USB TV stick to work with the GP2X seriously.. someone has 2 get this working its a matter of urgency.

yeah well, that's for reasons such as these that I wanna do that information ressource.
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DBH posted on Aug 6 2006 at 11:17 AM said:
There must be some linux based or even open source drivers around for TV sticks that could be ported?

surely, but it's not exactly what I wished to discuss in that thread..
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