GP32 8bit Digital I/O

i'm sorry dude, but i don't know what this means ?

please explain to a non-scientist the significance !

cheers !
Laymans terms:

I have produced prototype hardware that will enable electrical input / output this will enable you to interface to the outside world. eg: controll robots, turn things on and off, monitor weather conditions etc (only limited by your imagination)

Scientific terms?


This exploded view from the scope shows the trigger pulse on channel 1, and the sample being played on channel 2, the display is an average and this identifies the lack of timing problems associated with using other hardware EG PC using either Linux or windows will not perform this task as well as the GP32!

The hardware uses pins 9 - 16 and ports GPF and GPG, software is just a case of writting to the correct port address with your data or reading from that port! it supports TTL levels and is programmable ie: you can set the port to be either eight inputs or eight outputs or any combination between.

is it possible to connect a transitor and then a relais directly to pin 9-16 of the ext port (similar you would do it with the PCs printer port)?
are the pins directly routet to the cpu?
I would not recomend anyone attaching anything to their EXT port that does not have a CE mark! but yes the pins are connected directly to the CPU. With some care and the right equipment you can trace them back. If you are interested in this device I am planning on building 10-20 units.

Controlling a goverment satellite! What a great use for a GP32.
An Infra red sensor would be a very good application. Obviously TV remote replacement (I keep losing mine), and hifi etc... I think they all operate on similar frequencies (e.g. you can get those All-in-one type controllers that scan for your tv etc..).

The only thing else I can think of that would be outstanding would be a mobile phone jammer so I can play my GP32 without having annoying people talking loudly on their phones ("I'M ON THE TRAIN" etc...)

Anyway, enough daydreamin' back to work.
@nigelibrown: I am very interested but it depends on the price. How much will such a device approximately cost?
hang on - how mad is this ?

i'm trying to grasp this ?

what could/can this thing do - like right now ?

tv/video controller ? that would be bloody funny ! play a game whilst people are watching the box... oops, channel is crap, let's switch... !

you lot all seem a bit clever
tv/video controller ? that would be bloody funny ! play a game whilst people are watching the box... oops, channel is crap, let's switch... !
:D I can just imagine: OpenSnes9xGP v0.4 /w channel switching support :P

Anyways, it would be cool to add sensors, and some motors to it, and have a GPBot :) Mabye whenever you clap, the GPBot drives to you and you can take the GP off and play it... When you put it back on the GPBot, it drives to an outlet and charges itself :P
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tv/video controller ? that would be bloody funny ! play a game whilst people are watching the box... oops, channel is crap, let's switch... !
:D I can just imagine: OpenSnes9xGP v0.4 /w channel switching support :P

Anyways, it would be cool to add sensors, and some motors to it, and have a GPBot :) Mabye whenever you clap, the GPBot drives to you and you can take the GP off and play it... When you put it back on the GPBot, it drives to an outlet and charges itself :P
lol, wicked idea. maybe u could phone it. the amount of times i 4get to bring it 2 college and its got sum course work on :lol:
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Hardware hacking roolz!!!!

But I don't understand why you took the thing apart and traced the ext connector to the CPU. You could have just looked at the FAQ, which has all the info you need.

Anyway, nice to see you doing "different" stuff with it. Keep us informed! :D
i still don't quite get this... did you trigger your gp32 to play a short sample by putting data into the ext. port?

what sort of speeds does the ext port run at? (kbps)
Right here we go again. The board connected to the gp32 is a prototype Digital I/O board that supplies TTL (2 state signal HIGH=2v-5v LOW .8v-0v) This can be used as a switch to turn external devices on or off. Or as a input it can monitor devices that are switching eg: interfacing to PC printer port, relay driver boards...