What do you want?
I believe it uses 3.3V... This one does:
(Duh, it's the same card... Though the other claims to support 256MB cards...)
Couldn't find any solid technical information, though...
Anyone tried one of these? Would it even fit inside GP32? (Without chipping bits of the GP casing... There are other models from other manufacturers with slightly different layouts though...)
512MByte XD-cards cost about 72€ in Finland...
Now, could someone tell me, if there is actually is any other reason, apart voltage, that bigger SMC's don't work in GP32? If it could, software-wise, support larger ones? And if that software could be easily altered...
Still looking for something similar for my 1GB Compact Flash... <_<
(Adapters for using SMC in CF port do exist...)
Edit: Thumbnailed that picture there...