4 Year Old Tough?


NO! I don't play basketball
Jul 16, 2008
I'm looking to get a pair of handhelds for my 4 year old and my 6 year old. I'm kind of between the Dingoo and the Leapster explorers. Both are about the same price after you consider buying the rechargable battery for the explorers. In the long run the dingoo would be cheaper as I can put the roms I already own on it rather than pay 20 bucks a pop for explorer games. However, I'm afraid they (especially my 4 year old boy) would destroy the dingoo in a week. What do you think, 4 years old a bit young for the dingoo? I have confidence that navigating the os won't be a problem as he gets around the xbox and our pc just fine. Who else has a young-un with one? Would 4 years old be the record? :P
A Dingoo might seem pretty advanced for a 4 year old, but maybe your 6 year old can handle it. My little sister turns 7 this year and she's somewhat able to use my GP2X F100. I say keep the Dingoo for yourself for now, while you get your little ones a used Game Boy Advance with a case or something, or at the very least, a DS Lite with an R4 card. I've seen quite a few decent DS Lite ads in my local Craigslist, so pricewise, they're right on par with the Dingoo. When your kids are older, then you can give them your Dingoo.
Well I don't need a dingoo for myself as I have a pandora and a ds fat with a flashcard. Like I said, I believe my boy could navigate the basic os (not dingux) with some help from me or his sister here and there. The main reason I want a dingoo over a ds or explorer is because of the ability to play full movies which I understand the dingoo does a decent job at. My main concern is that my boy will break the dingoo strait away, it's this same reason that I ruled out just giving him my ds fat. Moving parts (hinge) equals broken in a week ;)

ugh maybe I should just get them explorers and then toss them in the trash in 2 years when they want a 3ds/ngp/xbox handheld :rolleyes:
If it is about the movies get them a 7" portable dvd player with a usb slot, I highly doubt they would enjoy watching movies on a screen as small as the Dingoo...
I went ahead and bought a couple caanoos, and my daughter loves it. Little mermaid on the go (even if it was on a 1" screen) equals a happy little camper. It's not just about the movies, I wanted games and music also. So far I'm pretty happy with the caanoo for her.