NO! I don't play basketball
I'm looking to get a pair of handhelds for my 4 year old and my 6 year old. I'm kind of between the Dingoo and the Leapster explorers. Both are about the same price after you consider buying the rechargable battery for the explorers. In the long run the dingoo would be cheaper as I can put the roms I already own on it rather than pay 20 bucks a pop for explorer games. However, I'm afraid they (especially my 4 year old boy) would destroy the dingoo in a week. What do you think, 4 years old a bit young for the dingoo? I have confidence that navigating the os won't be a problem as he gets around the xbox and our pc just fine. Who else has a young-un with one? Would 4 years old be the record?