2d Fighter Engine Wip


Arguable Idiot
Jan 7, 2005
Visit site
I just saw a post for this on http://www.pdarcade.com, on the front page it says this 2d fighter engine is also in developement for the GBA and the GP32.

I went to the developers home page and couldn't find anything stating specifically that it was going to be released for the GP32, but it did say "handhelds" including pocket pc's, N-Gage, and the Zodiac.

Here is the site I found with limited info http://www.twelvegames.com/Capoeira.htm

Also, the pocket pc pictured at the bottom of the page is exactly the same one I use :P :P
KickinWing posted on Feb 7 2005 at 01:31 PM said:
I just saw a post for this on http://www.pdarcade.com, on the front page it says this 2d fighter engine is also in developement for the GBA and the GP32.

I went to the developers home page and couldn't find anything stating specifically that it was going to be released for the GP32, but it did say "handhelds" including pocket pc's, N-Gage, and the Zodiac.

Here is the site I found with limited info http://www.twelvegames.com/Capoeira.htm

Also, the pocket pc pictured at the bottom of the page is exactly the same one I use :P :P

From the exremely limited information I could find, it doesn't look all that much better than KOF91.
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