1St Pandora Baby?!?

I hope you didnt actually play games while the missus did he work :) shouldve stood there helping until she twisted off your arms in rage :)

Grats :)

Thanks for all the messages! Just got home with our new baby boy (Jesse Simon Lo Turco, 9lb 8oz, ouch!) to go with our 15 month old girl Lois. Pandora came in handy alright, Speccy, Gameboy and Amiga games aplenty yesterday. Had to go home at 9pm. Got back to the hospital at 07:50 and the baby was born 20 minutes later so didn't get a chance to crack into the hospital wifi! We really should get a wifi hacker for the Pandora. And yes, one day doesn't seem important once they start changing so quickly, life isn't the same once you've had kids but it's not for everyone! Right, I'd better go back to my (growing) family.....no more though, you can quote me on that!
Ha! Awesome! Congrats dude! Funny thing is, when my wife was pregnant with our first baby, she asked for a GameBoy for when she'd be in the hospital. So I got her a GBA and a pile of games. I really (and I mean really) did not like the reflective screen, so I started looking around and that's when I found out about the Pandora. I ordered one on day 1 (Sep 30, 2008). Well my first son being born in October, obviously my Pandora hadn't arrived on time. Fast forward 18 months. I thought I'd have it in time for the birth of our second son...

So you, my man, are living what I had expected to use my Pandora for all along!
Congrats! My son loves the pandora. He's 10 months old and seems to think it tastes delicious.

lucidchaos said:
Congrats! My son loves the pandora. He's 10 months old and seems to think it tastes delicious.


The Pandora certainly looks larger when using a baby for reference. :lol:
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indeed almost like a babys computer, however i doubt the baby can do with it great things just yet, TEACH HIM WELL!
Heh. In the words of Partridge, "Lovely stuff" :-)

I managed to complete Auf Weidersehn Monty on the Spectrum (via my GBA) when my first son was being born!
My GP32 kept my entertained during my 2nds childs birth.

Might have to have a 3rd just to make good use of my Pandora...when it arrives that is :-)

Edit: typo!
pokitfoxx said:
indeed almost like a babys computer, however i doubt the baby can do with it great things just yet, TEACH HIM WELL!

He'll be compiling ARM code in assembly by age 3!
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